I like synthesized music my fav is Disney’s “Electircal Light Parade”.
I know it’s difficult to get your head around it. It took me years.
I like synthesized music my fav is Disney’s “Electircal Light Parade”.
I know it’s difficult to get your head around it. It took me years.
hmmmm music conversion algorithms…are you implying some analog to digital conversion.
Changing mindset to longitudinal sectional scanning and connecting, perhaps different or lateral or arcing CNC strokes.
So much of this is a gotcha game.
Have Fun.
Hi Oak,
how’s this for a challenge?
You send me the data for one scanned board with a short explanation of the file format. It does not need to be the file format you use. Comma separated text file will do fine f.ex.
I’ll write the code that will convert it to a .brd file with a given tolerance. I might even throw in an analyze of bumps, twist, symmetry errors, etc.
Only con is it’s probably going to take me a few years since this would be done in my spare time…
Hello Haarvard,
I"m not ready to give away the farm as of yet. lol
Please use my challenge board as an example to get your head around. If you can reason all the areas to overcome then you are half way there. Then you still need to write the program for the board.
Good luck.
I think it’s a fair challenge, offer still stand. While I do not have a scanner in the garage (the closest surfboard scanner is probably thousands of miles away), I think I’m capable of writing the software. All you need to provide is the scanned data.
On another note, I think the scenario board you described is a bit off for but a handful of surfers. Such a board would be hard enough sell at a low price tag in the used boards rack. Not exactly the bread and butter for production shapers. But I still claim it can be done in ‘2D surfboard cad package’. Would be much much easier to do a smooth and clean shape than a crooked bumpy one though.
Haavard, My challenge also still stands to anyone willing to take me up. For those that don’t quite understand the difference in types of scans, once you have seen the difference it is quite clear. I’m not willing to send you proprietary info. So you can forget about me sending you info.
The actual board I am speaking of is an actual design for one of the most prolific shapers to date. It probably would sell used more than most new boards on the rack. Lol.
Haavard, My challenge also still stands to anyone willing to take me up. For those that don’t quite understand the difference in types of scans, once you have seen the difference it is quite clear. I’m not willing to send you proprietary info. So you can forget about me sending you info.
The actual board I am speaking of is an actual design for one of the most prolific shapers to date. It probably would sell used more than most new boards on the rack. Lol.
Maybe. But would it sell if you took the name and label of the board?
I’m not asking you to send proprietary info. As I said, you choose the file format. I only need the data.
Hi Haavard, what makes anything worth its value? If you removed the label it maybe worth more due to the fact that it would make the board somewhat rare. Are Pat Currens gun worth more with a label?
Even if I sent you any of my data it wouldn’t mean anything to you unless you have the actual study model to compare. Unless, you are looking for free ticket. Just ask. Who knows?
I didn’t realize you are from Norway. Too bad you weren’t local.
I think it would help you appreciate the difference if you had some some practical experience of actually shaping a board.
Hello Oak,
When it comes to the accuracy of CNC milling machines, .005" tolerance
is a simple achievement. Let us not confuse that with the accuracy of
the finished product. You and I differ in opinion about what kind of
distortion the glassing process adds to the shape. Perhaps I need to
find better glassers. That aside, this conversation is about scanning
techniques, and I must admit, you’ve got me stumped. I applaud your
innovative techniques, but have to say that when it comes to scanning,
probing for points is slow but accurate. When I say accurate, I mean
good enough for me and many others in many different industries. We
also have a difference of opinions when it comes to the foiled
perfection of 3d CAD programs, and the algorithms that support them. I
personally don’t do much copying of old boards- I offer no scanning
services, board reproduction, etc. I utilize CAD and CNC with a focus
on progression of design, and while it isn’t much of a business model,
it is definitely entertaining, a release from the monotony of hand shaping for a living. I have also always
admired your boards, and label. Thanks for the delightful conversation, it is hard
to find such stimulating discussion around these parts nowadays. -Carl
Hi Haavard, what makes anything worth its value? If you removed the label it maybe worth more due to the fact that it would make the board somewhat rare. Are Pat Currens gun worth more with a label?
Even if I sent you any of my data it wouldn’t mean anything to you unless you have the actual study model to compare. Unless, you are looking for free ticket. Just ask. Who knows?
A board is worth whatever someone is willing to pay for it. For some reason people are willing to pay more for boards signed by respected (or hyped depending on who you ask) shapers and well known brands and logos. Around here the only boards without a logo are usually built by local idiots like me and thus are hard to sell (not to mention that they look like c**p).
As for the data meaning anything, try me… Wish I was local, I’d pop right over
Main Entry: 1scan Pronunciation: ˈskan\ Function: verb Inflected Form(s): scanned; scan·ning Etymology: Middle English scannen, from Late Latin scandere, from Latin, to climb; akin to Middle Irish sceinnid he springs, Sanskrit skandati he leaps Date: 14th century transitive verb 1: to read or mark so as to show metrical structure <scan poetry> 2: to examine by point-by-point observation or checking: a: to investigate thoroughly by checking point by point and often repeatedly <a fire lookout scanning the hills with binoculars> b: to glance from point to point of often hastily, casually, or in search of a particular item <scan the want ads looking for a job> 3a: to examine systematically (as by passing a beam of radiation over or through) in order to obtain data especially for display or storage <scanned the patient’s heart> <radar scans the horizon> <scan the photos into the computer> 3b: to pass over in the formation of an image <the electron beam scans the picture tube> intransitive verb 1: to scan verse 2: to conform to a metrical pattern <this poem scans well> synonyms see scrutinize — scan·na·ble ˈska-nə-bəl\ adjective