Ding on my brand new board!

First ime out on my new summer board and of course some bastard ran into me and dingged it. My question is, do I have to do anything about it. It looks like a pressure ding . There are no spyder cracks or any indication of the fiberglass being cracked, however, there is an indentation about a half inch wide and 2 inches long. Can I just leave it?? thanks

Is it on the deck or bottom? If the glass is not cracked and not taking in water, I would leave it, unless it is on the bottom of the board where it may or may not effect water flow.

Is it on the deck or bottom? If the glass is not cracked and not taking in > water, I would leave it, unless it is on the bottom of the board where it > may or may not effect water flow. It’s on teh bottom. I was thinking of just slapping a sticker over it or leaving it because its not really very deep. What do you think??

the first ding hurts the most. don’t worry, after 2-3 months, there will be plenty more. i’d say sticker it and forget it. kirk

As long as it is not real deep and would not effect water flow. I would sticker it.

A little resin is just as easy as putting a sticker on it. What happens if you want to sell the board? Once you peel up the sticker if any water got into the foam will have rotted away from sittng their a while. The sun and salt water on foam aren’t good. Stickers are good temporary fixes for likea day or two. Just put a little resin over it and you wont have to worry about anything

A little resin is just as easy as putting a sticker on it. What happens if > you want to sell the board? Once you peel up the sticker if any water got > into the foam will have rotted away from sittng their a while. The sun and > salt water on foam aren’t good. Stickers are good temporary fixes for > likea day or two. Just put a little resin over it and you wont have to > worry about anything Another quick fix is clear finger nail polish(old Mexico trick)

Why is everyone here so uptight? Is a pressure dent really worth debating? Leave it alone and surf…Some bumps and bruises show that a board is being used instead of being talked about.