Ding repair for deep gash - air pockets

Hi all, long time lurker.  This forum has been super helpful for information in the past so thanks in advance!  I couldn’t quite find an exact answer to my question so I’ve finally made a post.

I have about a 1.5 inch deep gash.  I mixed up a slurry of q-cell and resin about the consistency of cheese whiz to fill it in, but now I am having some doubts as I think there is a strong possibility doing it this way left some pockets of air further down where the resin may not have settled in correctly (the gash had little nooks and crannies that I tried to coerce resin into with a small stick, but I’m not confident I got it all).  Unfortunately everything is kicked so I can’t easily reverse course.  Will this threaten the integrity of my board in the future as pressure differences in the air pockets cause some mayhem?

I think in the future I will be more conscientious of this and pour more slowly.  What are my options at this point though?  I am thinking about trying to cut it out with a knife tomorrow and starting it over again.


EDIT: I don’t know why but I can’t seem to reply at this moment.  Thanks for the replies guys!  I’m happy to know I can just leave it alone then.

It doesn’t hurt anything to have little air pockets deep in the core.

Foam is more air than material. So indeed a bit more doesn’t hurt.

if you get your board far enough under water to worry about the pressure from a few little air pockets, you have other things to worry about at that moment… :)  Almost all blanks have some amount of voids in them.  Dont worry about it.

sand it and glass it. done deal. No one will ever know about the air pockets.

Air pockets or popping bubbles with poly foam/ poly resin are due to too much heat cause by too much catalyst. And/or a big pool of resin going off in a short amount of time.

Keep doing poly repairs and sooner or later you will make smoking hot batches…burn your fingers ect. make sure you have water near by.

EPS/Epoxy has other issues. rising or falling room temps, off gassing…

One company in California sells “Q-Cell” for ding repair…but I learned the hard way that this is a very tricky mis-used term and lots of people call lots off different resin fillers “q-cell”. ray

Yes I believe the generic term for Q-Cell is: “Glass microspheres” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glass_microsphere