
After I got out of the water yesterday, i found an inch deep slice in thew bottom of my board. I wondreing if Ding-All works good or not. Any suggestions?

Ding all works well compared to what? If you’re talking about the resin plus fiberglass bits in a sun-cure resin glop, no, it’s not as good as a plain old fashioned repair. Looks like solidified cat urine, miserable to sand, and when I’m redoing a ding done with that stuff ( which happens, the thicker goo-in-a-tube repairs can leak 'cos the don’t necessarily seal up or fill the hole completely ) I charge extra to rip it out and do it over. Look, rather than going with something hyped, instead follow the directions on the link below. The standard materials you’ll need are available at most surf shops in a standard ding repair kit. hope that’s of use doc… http://www.dirtyglassing.com/dirty_ding_9steps.htm

…Good for epoxy boards too,It’s like playdough OR silly putty,dries quickly and it will cure in the water.Herb www.dingleberries.com

Hey AB, IMHO the right way is to route out the dinged section with what ever you have to work with. A sharp knife and a hammer and chisel if you don’t have power tools. A roto-zip or dremel tool if you have them. Laminate a foam plug in the hole and fair it with sureform and a sanding block. Then stack a couple of layers of fiberglass over it and fair the surface back to the original. If it’s an epoxy board use epoxy. If it’s poly you can use either, though mixing material can cause unforseen problems. Surftechs and sailboard constructed boards need the vaccum bag treatment for a professional and longlasting repair job. Seaya, Rich

…For those who dare, …use a heatgun on the block of foam after you wedge it in the hole.This will expand the foam to the walls,no need for glue of any kind.Then seal the cracks,and glass. …You can use saran rap to create vaccume bagging when doing a Surftech ding,works 100%.Herb

All right, thanks a lot. -ab

I have used heat, inadvertently the first time,to being back pressure dings. Worked better than I thought it would, though you have to be careful lest you make a nice big delam.