Displacement Hull Boards

I hope no one minds the potential silliness of the way this question sounds, but I was wondering if someone could provide a good explanation of the nature of a displacement hull type of surfboard. I always thought that a displacement hull referred to a non-planing hull such as a canoe or kayak. I am wondering what is meant when a surfboard is referred to in this manner as it must still be planing. thanks for any insight in advance. trev

I hope no one minds the potential silliness of the way this question > sounds, but I was wondering if someone could provide a good explanation of > the nature of a displacement hull type of surfboard. I always thought that > a displacement hull referred to a non-planing hull such as a canoe or > kayak. I am wondering what is meant when a surfboard is referred to in > this manner as it must still be planing. thanks for any insight in > advance.>>> trev Trev: you are right on about hulls(boat,conoe,etc.)displacement hull boards work in the same way-their round bootom allows them to get into the water on the wave rather than on top of the water on a wave which the flat bottomed planing huuls do.the displacement hull is then able to directly tap into the wave energy which is why they go so fast with so little effort.On the other hand, the planing hull re3quires a ton of energy to get it up and planing, resulting in energy/speed loss.(i guess that’s why they take more input from the rider to make go). Hope that answers yor question.

Thanks for the info Matt, that answers my question in fine fashion but now i kind of want to know more yet. Like does the convex bottom run from nose (sort of a spoon nose?) to tail and about how much does it stand proud from the rails? - like 1/4" or even more. I am really intrigued by this sort of design so i appreciate any info you have to spare. Thanks again. trev