do women hate you too ?


a] you can have more fun without them ?

b] you spend more time…

on your board

talking about your board[s] than about her

listening to your mates

c] you spend more on your boards than on your broad[s]?

…got any others ?


" I’d rather put it on a rail , than listen to her wail "…


you’d rather go for a ‘latey’ ,

than sip a cafe latte [‘lar-tay’]

the question is simple…which one offers you the better ride??

boards dont complain when you nose ride them…

if only we could…, like a board, wrap them up with a legrope, shove them in a boardbag and only pull them out when we want to ride them… Hmmmmm

(woops did I say that out loud?!)

(here’s the line and I just crossed it!!!)


the question is simple…which one offers you the better ride??

boards , by FAR !!!

you don’t have to break your back , waiting for them to ‘catch up with you.’



Gents, patently you have been hanging around with the wrong women.

For myself, I find that some women do indeed dislike me.

The married ones, with their husbands under their thumbs, who fear that said husbands might get an idea of just how much fun I’m having and decide to develop a little spine. I make them nervous, about that… and one or two other things. It makes them wonder if they made the right moves and their humdrum lives or whether they perhaps have signed on under the Jolly Roger instead.

And I just smile.

But… you gotta get out of the sea sometime. And, perhaps, have a reason to go to sea again.With a belly full of wine, perhaps, and a new song to sing. 'Cos everything you take to sea comes from ashore.

Best to enjoy what both land and sea have to offer. Take both for what they are, no regrets either way.


At the risk of sounding crass, mine never complains when she has a nose ride…

…yes , but how does your nose feel , after she’s stood on it ?