Do you recognize this board?

I think someone in San Diego County shaped this board in the late 60s or early 70s. Whatever information I can get will be appreciated.

“Not attacting responses, feel your effort is going to waste, paranoid about being ignored, Look no further than the image upload button. Get one now while stocks last, hurry, offer ends tomorrow, and if you buy one now you get the second one free!!!”



Post a photo.

beardw, that’s a Williamson Pine Needler. They were shaped in a storage unit behind the Carlsbad restrooms from 1967-71. Its in pretty nice shape, especially considering they were mostly glassed with parachute cloth recovered from Pendleton’s fences.

I tried the upload button but it too seems to be ignoring me. The file size is 181kb. Is that too big? What am I doing wrong?

Thank you for the very clever response. A Pine Needler eh?

what I want to know is …

benny , how did you come to spend four years of your life hanging out at the Carlsbad rest rooms …

There is a limit to attachment size. See error message when you try to upload as an attachment. Try cutting and pasting the picture file onto your post directly.

Howzit beardw, The file size needs to be about 80 kb’s to be able to post the attachment pic.Aloha,Kokua