If you do you might want to check this out. They are talking about banning the big personal water craft in certain areas of Northern Cal. (No more Mavs. tow ins). I guess the smaller pwc has already been banned, but the bigger three seater is in a different catagory and has gotten through the loop hole. I personally don’t like them, but then again I don’t live in an area where my friends and I could tow into anything, and neither I nor any of my friends have ever been saved by one. The people using them here, come too close to the surf zone, and those things are loud and stink. I think that they should be used only for rescue or used in designated areas where they won’t come in contact with paddle surfers and swimmers. I was just wondering, if anyone out there tows and what do you think of the new legislation that is gonna come down? http://www.surfline.com/sw/content/mag/pulse/2002/2/02_21_pwc.jsp
Tow-in is not for me personally but there are times when it’s the only way the surf on a given day is even approachable. It would be foolish to banish tow ins at Mavs or any place that paddling isn’t an option. There was a day a Log Cabin’s on the north shore not to long ago that was the epic day of the century and if it hadn’t been for personal watercraft no one would have even ridded a wave. Accordingly I feel there is a place for personal watercraft in surfing. There many who abuse their privileges and we all know how dirty the two-cycle motor is. It would be grand to see the vehicle’s power source cleaned up. Think about it, out board motors were all 2 cycle for years. When Honda came out with the 4 cycle everyone followed suit and we’re allot better off for it. I think it would be a shame to banish all watercraft though there are clearly many places that they do not belong at all. A specific legislation that addresses the real problem is what is in order no some across the board banning of personal watercraft. One hopes that the cooler, wiser heads will prevail but politics are a world unto their own and who can say what will happen. The most important thing of course is preserve our environment so I’ll just support what I think is the sanest approach. Good Surfin’, Rich
If you do you might want to check this out. They are talking about banning > the big personal water craft in certain areas of Northern Cal. (No more > Mavs. tow ins). I guess the smaller pwc has already been banned, but the > bigger three seater is in a different catagory and has gotten through the > loop hole.>>> I personally don’t like them, but then again I don’t live in an area where > my friends and I could tow into anything, and neither I nor any of my > friends have ever been saved by one. The people using them here, come too > close to the surf zone, and those things are loud and stink. I think that > they should be used only for rescue or used in designated areas where they > won’t come in contact with paddle surfers and swimmers.>>> I was just wondering, if anyone out there tows and what do you think of > the new legislation that is gonna come down? A marine sanctuary is instated at Mavs to give the animals and birds a place of refuge. All of those noisy , scary, polluting monstrosities we call personal water craft, should be banned as far away from these areas as possible. All the people involved should get there head out of there ass on this one.
A marine sanctuary is instated at Mavs to give the animals and birds a > place of refuge. All of those noisy , scary, polluting monstrosities we > call personal water craft, should be banned as far away from these areas > as possible. All the people involved should get there head out of there > ass on this one. To all “persons” of the Swaylocks, A question: If “tow-in” surfing did not exist, would the same surfers who give the big support for it now, be most willing to permit the same grossly polluting “personal” motorcraft into the marine sanctuary`s legally protected surfline? Is it not to be o.k. if jetski drivers desire to “DOMINATE” the waves when there are surfers among the same waves, but then o.k. if they themselves wish to do the “tow-in” with similar smoking devices? (I myself, as the one Bonta, am proud of improving excellent language skills!!) Bonta
To all “persons” of the Swaylocks,>>> A question: If “tow-in” surfing did not exist, would the same > surfers who give the big support for it now, be most willing to permit the > same grossly polluting “personal” motorcraft into the marine > sanctuary
s legally protected surfline? Is it not to be o.k. if jetski > drivers desire to "DOMINATE" the waves when there are surfers > among the same waves, but then o.k. if they themselves wish to do the > "tow-in" with similar smoking devices?>>> (I myself, as the one Bonta, am proud of improving excellent language > skills!!)>>> Bonta Although the concept of assisted surfing has obviously proven itself to be valid, and the resultant board designs and developed skills very worthwhile, for a great many, there remains the question as to how this can be best accomplished. Would many argue against this type of wave riding if it didn
t involve some form of mechanization (electric or otherwise) or the internal combustion engine? A prime example are sailboarders who have been quietly exploring gigantic waves for many years. What an irony to think that, of all people, surfers would one day be guilty of creating tremendous amounts of noise and significant environmental pollution as the by-product of just catching some waves? In the case of tow-in surfing, does the end now justify the means? Perhaps the greatest challenge facing tow-in surfing is not how big a wave can actually be ridden, but HOW to responsibly catch them! There may soon be a time when the jetski becomes obsolete for tow-in, and small, powerful, motors become available as integral to the board itself, especially since the added weight is now viewed as an advantage. A few questions: Does hunting game from the side a road, parked in a pickup with a scope and high powered rifle qualify as true sport? Many bow hunters will politely disagree. Is using a helicopter or a lift line to reach the top of the mountain for another run down the ski slopes the real thing? Many who backpack and cross country ski dont see it that way. Do you think hikers enjoy the sight, sounds and environmental mayhem from motorcycles ripping up and down the trails and backroads? How about the wildlife? I suppose it all comes down to who has the most control, and for what ends... those who represent and seek to protect life and the geographical surroundings, and those who believe this life is nothing more than just another roll of the dice. Hey, if that
s true, what`s the big deal with tow-in surfing, right?
Good words, Dale. To sum up my feelings: I am for this proposed legislation. Of course, people will always find ways around it…but if nothing else, at least it will force manufacturers into creating and marketing alternate, more “green” propulsion systems. On another note, I feel tow-in is a world of its own…but it seems a bit on the selfish end of the sport. It’s all about who has the advantage…the biggest stick…but then again, it’s the same thing if I bring an 11-footer into the lineup with struggling spongers. Bottom line: As a previous poster said…we all need to take out heads out of our asses once in a while. Be UNselfish, please. Consider the world and those around you.
I won’t put my name here due to my association with the tow crowd in Santa Cruz area. Like anything else, good behavior,sportsmanship,communitarian concerns(larger community-including nature)would have headed off the kabosh being put on the skis.When guys are towing big days at the Lane and John St. and when there are paddle surfers in the water or even towing at Cowell’s(yes it happened)ofcourse people will be bummed.I don’t know if 4 stroke skis are a happening but that would be a step in the right direction.Big wave surfing is filled with some of the nicest and some of the nastiest people I have met.
If you can paddle in - no towing. If you can’t - tow in.
I was out cross country skiing with a friend and had been cursing “those damned snow-mobiles” all day for the noise and air pollution they were creating. Far from the car, my friend fell and tore up her knee. Skiing out was a no go. The snow-mobilers zipped in, picked her up and took her back to the car. By the time I got there, she was bundled up in a blanket and sipping hot chocolate provided by those same folks I had been cursing all day. I try to be really tolerant of the different kinds of toys people play with now.
I was out cross country skiing with a friend and had been cursing > “those damned snow-mobiles” all day for the noise and air > pollution they were creating. Far from the car, my friend fell and tore up > her knee. Skiing out was a no go. The snow-mobilers zipped in, picked her > up and took her back to the car. By the time I got there, she was bundled > up in a blanket and sipping hot chocolate provided by those same folks I > had been cursing all day. I try to be really tolerant of the different > kinds of toys people play with now. Man with belt no need rope to hold up pants.Herb.