Does anyone else find it intersting that...........

…some of the shapers that are most vocal about not buying China/popouts…whatever are using foam from China or Brazil and fins from China, Vietnam/Thai etc. In their boards.

Is this like “Hey consumer I can buy the component from xxxx to save money, assemble it here, stamp a made in the USA lam on it and then shout don’t you go buy anywhere else. Support the local industry!”

Just curious:)

I like seeing a guy driving down the freeway in his Toyota w/ the bumpersticker that says ,“Buy American”…kind of a oxymoron isn’t it ?

Lots of Toyotas are made in America nowadays…makes you wonder if they have bumper stickers in Japan…sayingto buy Japanese, and not to buy American…

Kirby, I believe the phrase you are searching for is ‘hypocrisy has no bounds’. General public buying foreign products is ‘un-American’ only when their sale affects said person’s bottom line, now that this person cannot turn a profit on said foreign products…ha.


A bit of a contradiction in terms. Has anyone tried the fibreglass from Gudang? They’re a Chinese company. I’m curious to know how good it is.

you prbly have used it already lol


having Buy American bumper stickers printed in japan

rather than printed in the u.s.a. is cheaper

and faster and better materials.

always check for the dots between th usand a

there is a place i japan named USA…

when do we annex the 51st state?

will it be japan?

will that make the

Chinese and the Mexicans and Canadians

mad as heck or what?


Yup, Toyota trucks are built in Paramount,Cali,

They hire only temps and the working conditions/wages are crap.

BTW…The company is still Japanese owned.,

That’s okay America(USA)Keep shooting yourself in the foot…the writing is already on the wall…the Roaches of this world will inherit it anyway…H

My last Ford truck was built in Canada. My current Toyota truck was built in North Carolina. The Ford was damn good. The Toyota is even better, though. I have no idea what the workers were paid in either location. Mike