Don't know what to do with bottom and fins

My goal was to shape a Nugget style board.

What I ended up with is not really what I hoped for

but, it looks like it could still be a very fun board.

Here it is after cutting the template.

I used 4 seperate templates to try to get the curves I wanted.

In the end, the tail was brought in to 16 5/8". I really wanted to get it 17".

Just couldn’t get the curve right.

The nose 14" and the width 20".

Is the nose too wide? The tail too narrow? For a nugget.

I really want to get the next one right.

Back to now. Here is the board basically shaped but without any bottom contours.

And the rocker

I used a 6’4" hot wired 2# EPS blank, took 8" off the nose and shaped a 5’8".

I cut the template at DrewTang’s and shaped at home on my porch.

For the bottom I was thinking V. Spiral V? Never done it but this board looks like a

good candidate. Any other ideas?

Fins? I have no idea. Thinking Single but haven’t ridden one since probably 1979?

I’m in Florida.


It looks great!! it remembers me the “wave riding vehicles” surfboards: big and round tail, good volume in stern… not too technical in her design and surf, but nervous in vertical waves… . I suggest A doble concave and 4 fins configuration like quads. Congratulations and good surf!