Say a prayer for Mickey Dora.He died yesterday in Santa Barbara of pancreatic cancer,he had been sick for two months.May he find the peace that was so elusive to him in this life. I don’t have anymore info than this.
Say a prayer for Mickey Dora.He died yesterday in Santa Barbara of > pancreatic cancer,he had been sick for two months.May he find the peace > that was so elusive to him in this life. I don’t have anymore info than > this. RIP Surf was good in SB yesterday.
RIP…DITTO.>>> Surf was good in SB yesterday. JW ,how was the surf today? Been missing it…ALL WORK AND NO PLAY MAKES JACK A DULL BOY!Herb.
JW ,how was the surf today? Been missing it…ALL WORK AND NO > PLAY MAKES JACK A DULL BOY!Herb. Surf report 1/4/02: Clean, sunny, shoulder to head high. Quit your job… for a few days anyway. The storm track is low and the lines are gettin’ the window. Keep surfin’
Say a prayer for Mickey Dora.He died yesterday in Santa Barbara of > pancreatic cancer,he had been sick for two months.May he find the peace > that was so elusive to him in this life. I don’t have anymore info than > this. I
m very saddened to learn of Mickey Dora
s recent passing… can anyone here briefly describe his taste in surfboards over the last 25 years? Thanks.
Hey Dale; Miki rode everything from Simmons to Kivlins to Yaters ;Jacobs,Greg Nolls , Greg Liddles,Robbie Dicks natural progressions. Later than 76 or so I dont know to much.On thu. I was surfing a northen point 4 to 6 ft 6 guys out and got a good one trimmed up and just stood there and did the two handed hair slick back copy Cat.even had my wetsuit hat on as I pulled out I thought of Miki,later when I got home I got a call about him.RIP .
Hey Dale; Miki rode everything from Simmons to Kivlins to Yaters > ;Jacobs,Greg Nolls , Greg Liddles,Robbie Dicks natural progressions. Later > than 76 or so I dont know to much.On thu. I was surfing a northen point 4 > to 6 ft 6 guys out and got a good one trimmed up and just stood there and > did the two handed hair slick back copy Cat.even had my wetsuit hat on as > I pulled out I thought of Miki,later when I got home I got a call about > him.RIP . Hey, thanks, Kirk! I hope in the near future, there are some substantive retrospectives on Mickey
s life... such a unique character, and such a life! Speaking of... George Greenough called me on New Year
s morning and he mentioned that you might have a load of his old surfmats, etc. that he`d originally intended to toss in the dumpster… is this correct? He also mentioned that you might have possession of the original, military green “Hero” mat that I made him in the winter of 1982? My apologies for the inside trivia questions…
Dale, I have a half doz.Hogemans and some Ripcurls that George kept . I know that Charlie Coffey got the 4 gear flyers and protos. Paul might have some not sure.Your mats look killer.If only they knew how FAST those BEASTS GO it would freak people out.Still need my 4 gear restored.later Kirk
in the 80’s iam working at St. Mary Med center in L.B. and I walk pass a person cuffed to a gurney , I.d see this from time to time from ER or? with some pig next to them …anyways I look at the guy an I notice it’s Da Cat! I say Dora what ya doing here? Heard you were hiding in Paris or Africa? He says to me that the Feds set him up and made his mom write a note to him saying that she was dieing and to come visit her ASAP Dora tells me that he gets off the plane and the Feds arrested him on some counterfit deal Dora says to me that he’s sick and needs medical attention I then go into XRay and get him some Stat! Then he was transported to Terminal Is. Cat…it was a bummer to hear about your friend who got the rap for about 10 years…betya he dont smoke anymo
Dale, I have a half doz.Hogemans and some Ripcurls that George kept . I > know that Charlie Coffey got the 4 gear flyers and protos. Paul might have > some not sure.Your mats look killer.If only they knew how FAST those > BEASTS GO it would freak people out.Still need my 4 gear restored.later > Kirk Kirk, Thank you! If these things didn
t leave vapor trails instead of wakes, I
d rather be off building something else… Many thanks for your update. Dale