Just finished shaping a board for ME! 6’4" x 19 x 2.625.
Put in a single to double concave. Is there any tool one of you guys have come up with to do the doubles with. Saw the single in the archive tool section. Used my 11 inch foam pad to freehand them. Rubs the engineer part of me the wrong way but the artist enjoyed the hell out of it. Rolled the double out into a slight “vee” out the back. Ready for a spray and glass hopefully this weekend. Made the mistake of spraying a blue board in the shaping bay two weeks ago…just now getting all the blue out of there!
Krokus, You can make a jig for a router that will shape a curved sanding block. Build a rectangular box about 12 inches wide and 24 inches long. Leave the top open. The long sides should be cut with a curve on the top edge. That curve will be the concave shape. You decide what the radius is. Then make a “sled” for your router. The sled should allow the router to move from side to side. Cut grooves on the bottom of the sled so that it will rest on the curved edge of your box. Now the sled will slide forward and backward, the length of the box, and the router will slide side to side. Next build a platform inside the box to rest a piece of wood on. The piece of wood will end up being the sanding block. Attach some 1/2" x 1/2" strips to the platform around three sides of the sanding block, a little loose. Place the block inside the strips and use a wedge to tighten it in place. Fire up the router with a flat cutting bit and cut away. When you’re done,pull out the wedge and remove the new block. Glue a piece of 80 grit or 50 grit on the convex surface and you’re ready to go. One tip: Cutting the curve on the edge is critical. Use a radius jig with the router. Doug