Yikes!! A cryptic message printed on a little piece of paper fell out of a fortune cookie the other night! I quote: “The wave of the future is hidden within two ends of one form-- with which to travel upon a single journey, yet in both ways.” Was it just my over-consumption of adult beverages, or has anybody here thought of, designed, shaped or tested modern shortboard double-enders with matching sets of fins, etc.? Sounds suspiciously like some kind of big wake board to me! Could it really be?
Bill, I just happened to run across this Australian website, http://www.spun.com.au I’ve noticed that every few years, the double-tailed board will pop its head (um… tail) up for a while and then go back underground. A few years ago T&C Surfboards had a double-ender called the N2. There weren’t any fins on the front end but it had a blunt, squash nose. Recently I’ve been seeing more kite-surfers here in Hawaii using wakeboards instead of the modified surfboards with straps. http://www.spun.com.au
Maybe Confuscious is shaping now. I new somebody was getting the good fortunes from those cookies, because I haven’t been. My last fortune said, “You will soon eat fortune cookie”. Duh, like I didn’t know that already. Think about it. This is the way businesses start.
Greg Loehr is doing a double ended board series with a thruster set on the nose and the tail. There is a picture of one the new surfing mag. I remember stuart did one in the early 90’s and was probably done by someone else even earlier.
Whoa, Bill!..Heavy “fortune”! I love little cosmic treats like that. Since you brought up the subject, three weeks ago I got one that said (no bull!)… “a good day to be in the water”! (so help me). Several years ago I found an empty yellow cigarette box with the brand “WAVE” emblazoned on the front…later IN THE SAME WEEK (in a different state)…I found a YELLOW box of stick matches with the brand name “PIPELINE” across the front! (I have the two boxes in a shadowbox on my wall)! I know this is way off on a tangent, but I figured some of you might get a kick. P.S. …I DO think that we put a lot of our OWN interpretations into these “messages”, though. (but then again…) …Aloha, T.
Read an article about Greg Loer from Florida who is in the process of refining the double ender idea. Saw one at the shop over the summer and it was more or less a large wakeboard. Though early testing shows some promise with his designs they really haven’t been given enough time in the water to work out the bugs. But overall as they stand right now, if you weigh under 150, like riding 2’ mush and want to ride a lot of swith foot, then it might be something to look for in the near future.
OK, I’m a crusty bisquit but Pat Hanifin had one in his Newport shop early/mid seventies. Wide outline “fun shape” with a single fin on each end.
i think your fortune was dead on the money. i’ve never made or ridden one but i think in small/performance wave it’s got to be a logical step. every other board sport is that way, even skiers are riding fakie now. i don’t know if i could ever rip surfing switch but imagine the lines you could connect.
i think your fortune was dead on the money. i’ve never made or ridden one > but i think in small/performance wave it’s got to be a logical step. every > other board sport is that way, even skiers are riding fakie now. i don’t > know if i could ever rip surfing switch but imagine the lines you could > connect. This one is really dredging: anyone remember Huntington
s Surfboards by The Greek "PICKLE"? Wasn
t that some type of single-finned double-ender, too? I think I can vaguely recall one of the B&W ads in an old Surfer Magazine. Dale
This one is really dredging: anyone remember Huntington
s Surfboards by > The Greek "PICKLE"? Wasn
t that some type of single-finned > double-ender, too? I think I can vaguely recall one of the B&W ads in > an old Surfer Magazine.>>> Dale Dale: you are right about the pickle.