dremel tool

Found a good deal for a dremel tool kit on e-bay. Do you guys find this useful to have?

Found a good deal for a dremel tool kit on e-bay.>>> Do you guys find this useful to have? The temptation is to over fuss (over shape.) One of the greatest journeyman of our times warned me of this. Since then I have gone out of my way to avoid such small tools (at least with regards to shaping.) But then again, who can resist a good deal on a cool tool… might come in handy?.. the crease down the center of a swallow tail? (A particularly ‘tight-ass’ swallow tail?) Kevin

Found a good deal for a dremel tool kit on e-bay.>>> Do you guys find this useful to have? I have one and use it all the time, not just on surfboards & fins… very handy to have around. Buy a good assortment of bits if it doesn’t come with one.

The temptation is to over fuss (over shape.) One of the greatest > journeyman of our times warned me of this. Since then I have gone out of > my way to avoid such small tools (at least with regards to shaping.) But > then again, who can resist a good deal on a cool tool… might come in > handy?.. the crease down the center of a swallow tail? (A particularly > ‘tight-ass’ swallow tail?)>>> Kevin Dremel tools are really handy…get the one with bearings and variable speed…while your are at it try to get the router base.They are not that big of a deal for boards but they work good for opening up bubbles in the glass.I use mine with the router base to cut around deck delams.My friend Tuna uses them to install fin plugs and fin boxes although I have never seen it done that way. The bits are kinda pricey but if you ask a dentist he will load you up with all kind with carbide and diamond cutting bits…They throw them away…I got around 300 of them for nothing.While you are scrounging hit up the eye doctor for used scalpels…they use them once and toss em.Have you seen the post on “Dumpster Diving”?It relates.

I have one too. Variable speed model, use the sanding drums for butt cracks on swallow tails or stringer edge finishing. I just got the $19.00 angle attachment and made some lap grinding discs to fit the mandrel. I took some hard cut off wheels and spray glued 60 grit on one, 80 on another. Now I’ve got a pretty good lap grinder and a really handy ding tool. The drums work well on cleaning up long fin box slots, use a metal straight edge and just line it up and run the drum over the high spots. Cleanlines dental dumpster tip is right on. My brother is a dentist and he tosses tons of sanding drums, bits etc. I’ve got bags of them. Tom S.>>> Found a good deal for a dremel tool kit on e-bay.>>> Do you guys find this useful to have?

Dremel tools are really handy…get the one with bearings and variable > speed…while your are at it try to get the router base.They are not that > big of a deal for boards but they work good for opening up bubbles in the > glass.I use mine with the router base to cut around deck delams.My friend > Tuna uses them to install fin plugs and fin boxes although I have never > seen it done that way. The bits are kinda pricey but if you ask a dentist > he will load you up with all kind with carbide and diamond cutting > bits…They throw them away…I got around 300 of them for nothing.While > you are scrounging hit up the eye doctor for used scalpels…they use them > once and toss em.Have you seen the post on “Dumpster Diving”?It > relates. I guess I didn’t take it that far… I’ll take the scrounge advice too, nice. Kevin