Dual Spiral Hoop paipo fin concept...


MTB, I am the reference.

If you would like me to explain:

a) How I know that lower aspect ratio tunnels handle less angle of attack than higher aspect ratio tunnels, and

b) Why this is the case (In plain English), then feel free to ask.

Here’s a hint: It will help you to visualise extreme cases, visualise a very long skinny pipe, and compare this with a tall short tunnel, like a hoop. . . .the difference is immediately obvious, and has been confirmed many times in the water.


I too would like an independent reference or data illustrating your claim (obviously an article in an appropriate reviewed journal would carry the most weight, followed by a suitable book such as a textbook for a class in aerodynamics, then a report on the results from a funded contract, …etc.).

But please feel free to explain. It would be appreciated if you would use use the standardized terminology traditionally used in aerodynamics and hydrodynamics engineering wherever possible in order to avoid the ambiguities in meaning that may occur with “plain” English. If that’s not possible, please define any plain English terms or phrases that may be ambiguous. In this regard, I realize (in retrospect) the meaning of the word “handle” that you originally used might be ambiguous (…e.g. “handle” what?..). So please direct your discussion to the specific meaning of “handle” that I defined in my original reply (and to which you objected), namely:

"Low aspect ratio foils are more tolerant of angle-of-attack (i.e. they stall at a higher angle-of-attack than a high aspect ratio foil). "




With a tunnel shaped wing, the outside shape of the wing (cylindrical or semi cylindrical) offers little resistance to water flow, for example if a tunnel wing is presented at an angle of attack of 90 degrees, the water can flow around it quite easily, compared with a planar wing presented at 90 degrees, which offers more resistance.

As the diameter of the tunnel decreases and its length increases, the ease with which the water can flow over the tunnel from side to side increases.

With a tunnel wing of a given area, lowering the aspect ratio entails a smaller diameter tunnel.

Now, when water flow arrives at an angle of attack to the front of the tunnel, it can either enter the tunnel and flow through it, or it can flow over the tunnel from side to side.

As the diameter of the tunnel decreases and the length of the tunnel increases, the side of the tunnel offers less resistance to a water flow path which goes over the tunnel, and because of this the water (which will take the path of least resistance ) becomes more likely to flow over the tunnel from side to side.

When a critical angle of attack is reached, water flow suddenly stops flowing through the tunnel and flows over the tunnel instead. . . this is when the tunnel stalls.

As mentioned above, a smaller diameter tunnel offers less resistance to this over the tunnel flow, and thus water flows over the smaller diameter tunnel rather than through it at a lower angle of attack than with a larger diameter tunnel.

This effect is very easy to test in practice.

As would be expected, tunnel fins tend to stall suddenly and without warning when a critical angle of attack is reached. . . they stall much more suddenly than a comparable planar wing, which gives more warning as it starts to stall or approaches the stall. Another very marked difference between planar wings and tunnels is their post stall behaviour. . . . a tunnel will travel sideways in the stalled state with much less resistance than a planar wing. . . so what happens is that when a tunnel stalls, the board will sideslip very easily, almost as if there is no fin present ( a planar fin still offers significant lateral resistance in the stalled state ). . . and it does this suddenly. . . thiseffect is consistent with the comments above, and increases as aspect ratio decreases.

PS By ‘handle’ a higher angle of attack I mean that the wing will stall at a higher angle of attack, and vice versa

PPS The discussion above is about resistance to stalling due to resistance to water flow over the tunnel from side to side. it has assumed the same pressure inside the tunnel in both the low aspect ratio and high aspect ratio cases, however in reality the longer smaller diameter tunnel offers more resistance to flow entering the tunnel. This is because a lower aspect ratio tunnel has higher internal pressure at any given speed and angle of attack. This effect decreases the angle at which the tunnel stalls as the aspect ratio decreases.





Easternpacific I can assure you that a low aspect ratio tunnel handles less angle of attack than a high aspect ratio tunnel.

Your comments are entirely unhelpful to the discussion, I suggest that you try a couple of pieces of pipe of different length and diamter in the bathtub and find out for yourself how they behave. . . I won’t suggest that you spend 10 years testing them in the surf as I have done.

Calling me out on this one will only get you egg on the face, as I am correct . … . just as i am correct with the speed claims which you allude to.

I suggest trying a 3 inch diameter pipe a foot long, and a 6 inch diameter pipe 3 inches long. . . just whizz them in the bathtub. . . annular wing education for NEWBIES !!

Off to the bathtub with you Epac my boy

Lol !

I don’t know what particular aspects you’d like us to observe, but that’s OK, presumably we’ll find out.

But I do know that this experiment is flawed in its design from the standpoint of science.

A properly designed experiment either maintains all the variables–except the one to be examined–constant among the individual trials, or there is an established procedure to “correct” for the effects of any differences. An important parameter/variable in your “whizz” experiment is the effective lifting area of your trial pipes. The 3" x 12" pipe has an effective lifting area of 36 sq-inches, but the 6 x 3 inch pipe has a lifting area of 18 sq-inches, only half as much. Another variable that should be maintained constant is the loading on that effective area. Since the effective lifting area should be the same for all trial pipes, this means that they should also weigh the same (when submerged in water).

Other considerations (not necessarily a complete list): Since they should weigh the same, the moment of inertia about the roll axis will increase with increasing diameter. Hence care must be taken to ensure that no rotational motion is imparted to the pipe during it’s release All releases must be given the same initial momentum and heading. Since the pipes will settle through the water as well as moving forward, there will be a circumferential component to the flow around the pipe as well. Since a cylinder is a buff body, the drag coefficient can vary greatly with Reynolds number within a certain range of values of the Reynolds number (i.e. the reason for the dimples in golf balls since similar changes occur with spheres). Therefore it is possible that differences in the sinking rate could be a consequence of differences in drag while settling (as well as moving forward)–and not on the lift characteristics of the pipe. Since the drag coefficients of cylinders as a function of Reynolds number are well known, this effect can be back calculated and removed from the results if necessary–but only if the settling rate can be decomposed into the glide related component and the skin friction related component (not an easy thing to do).

And finally…

The small diameter tube has an aspect ratio of (3/12) = 0.25, which is certainly low by any measure. The aspect ratio of the large diameter tube is (6/3) = 2.0. This is certainly larger (8x) than that of the small tube, but not necessarily different hydrodynamically speaking. Normally a low aspect ratio is considered to be where the aspect ratio factor increases approximately linearly with increasing aspect ratio; a high aspect ratio is where the aspect ratio factor only changes slowly with increasing aspect ratio (and approaches a constant value as the aspect ratio increases)–see attachment. An intermediate aspect ratio bridges the gap between these two asymptotic ranges. In practice, this means that an aspect ratio less than 3 is considered to be low; greater than about 10 is considered high; and 3-10 is considered intermediate. So by this convention, both tubes would be in the low aspect range of values in an aerodynamic/hydrodynamic sense.


Hi John,

I have played with moving fins on my paipos to get more grip and lift. With a similar outline and the WP way back like yours, I moved the 10 in sq, “D” fins up near 1/2 way and then I had to ride it further forward to balance the lift.

Sliding forward also put less of my legs in the water too so it was just the paipo in the water. I will post some of my boards later but these attached pics show where Ive put the fins ( b1).

The last pics ( b2 and b3) show where I plan to put low and long fins thast follow the curve of the outline to increase the lift over a longer length,… hoping that the lift effect can be magnified.

Curved, low “D” fins on each rail about 18 inches long.

The long inside concave should have an interesting effect.

What caught my attention was how far forward your hoops came near the rails.

I reckon THAT will give you a lot of lift and draw you to ride further forward, more like a matrider than a bodyboarder.

Found the pics.


I don’t know what particular aspects you’d like us to observe, but that’s OK, presumably we’ll find out.

We are still on the subject of the effect of aspect ratio on the angle of attack which the tunnel fin can accept without stalling

I was suggesting to epac that he try moving pipes of different aspect ratio through water in order to get a feel for how water flowsw through and around them.


But I do know that this experiment is flawed in its design from the standpoint of science.

The exercise was not intended to be a scientific experiment. A scientific experiment is not necessary in order to discover that a low aspect ratio tunnel stalls at lower angles of attack than a higher aspect ratio tunnel

There are many physical phenomena and laws which can be discovered without a strictly controlled experiment, for example, it is possible to discover that a square wheel is less efficient than a round one without controlling all the variables, it is also possible to determine that the sun produces light without a strictly controlled experiment.

In the surfing world, strict scientific testing is the exception rather than the norm, most surfboard designers and builders use on the water testing, and that is what we have done combined with visualisation of cause and effect. What you are implying with your reply is that a scientific test is necessary in this case.

Having tested tunnel fins for over ten years I can assure you that we have discovered certain tunnel behaviour characteristics, and i can tell you what they are without a scientific test, as well as explaining why these characteristics occur.

Thankyou for having presented the parameters for a scientific test, it certainly doesn’t do any harm to think about them as even without doing the test it runs a check on our thinking.

Regarding your test conditions, there is one irrelevant factor there, and that is ‘sink rate’. … . with a tunnel fin there is no such thing as the fin is not free to sink, it is restrained by the bottom of the surfboard . … . in the bathtub ‘whizz test’ ( apologies for not being clearer about how it should be conducted) the hand is supposed to hold the tunnel, moving it through the water while changing the angle of attack and feeling the effects of flow through the tunnel and stall directly through the fingertips.

For an explanation of why lower aspect ratio tunnels stall at lower angles of attack than higher aspect ratio tunnels, please see my reply to your post which was made shortly after the reply to epac. I have tried to be as clear as possible, so hopefully the picture will emerge.

Thanks for your reply, and looking forward to further discussion


PS In my reply to you a made a calculation which included the horizontal lift cabability of the half tunnel, not sure if the tunnel produces exactly half as much horizontal lift as it does vertical lift ( it could be more,but is unlikely to be less) the main point is that it does produce significant horizontal lift, and so for a fair comparison of surface area vs lift, this has to be taken into account (in othere words the tunnel must be compared with an equivalent planar fin combination which provides horizontal and vertical lift.


Hi John,

We found some flying hoop toys lying a(round ) ! on the beach and in parks, we actually flew them, they are fascinating to fly.

Flying hoop toys ( at least the ones we found ) differ from some annular wing gliders because the tunnel spins, creating a vortex.

With our half pipe tunnels a vortex is created even though the tunnel is fixed, because whenever there is a positive angle of attack in the horizontal plane the resulting asymmetry of the tunnel in relation to flow causes the water entering the tunnel to twist slightly. A complete tunnel doesn’t have this effect because the complete tunnel is always symmetrical in relation to water flow, but strangely enough the complete tunnel can be spun to create a vortex (that’s if it isn’t fixed on an upstand as it is with a surfboard fin like the turbo tunnel. . . I mean like with the flying toy which is free to rotate.

Hi again MTB,

I have been musing and visualising on this aspect ratio/ stall angle topic, and I am wondering if a scenario somrthing like the one in the drawing below is possible: In other words that at very high aspect ratios the tunnel will behave like a planar wing with respect to stall angle in that a decrease in aspect ratio might lead to an increase in the stall angle, while at lower aspect ratios the reverse happens ( it definitely does ) in that a decrease in aspect ratio results in a decrease in the stall angle.

Possible reasons for this idea: At high aspect ratios the inside walls of the tunnels influence each other less, and also at high aspect ratios the outide wall of the tunnel offers more resistance to side to side over the tunnel flow and the tunnel has to reach a high angle of attack before the outide wall of the tunnel presents a profile which allows the water to stream over it. . . . with low aspect ratios on the other hand the tunnel presents a low profile and water can flow over it from side to side at low angles of attack ( and does )

So I am suggesting that there are two different stall scenarios: One in which ( at high aspect ratios ) the foil sections of the tunnel will stall in the normal way, the other, (at low aspect ratios) where the tunnel will stall due to water flowing over the tunnel from side to side rather than entering the tunnel. . . in this case the tunnel will behave as a solid rod rather than a pipe as stall occurs.

Pictures will illustrate this idea better, off to photograph some pipe



Regarding your test conditions, there is one irrelevant factor there, and that is ‘sink rate’. … . with a tunnel fin there is no such thing as the fin is not free to sink, it is restrained by the bottom of the surfboard . … . in the bathtub ‘whizz test’ ( apologies for not being clearer about how it should be conducted) the hand is supposed to hold the tunnel, moving it through the water while changing the angle of attack and feeling the effects of flow through the tunnel and stall directly through the fingertips. ……

That condition was added since I assumed that the trajectory of the tunnel in free fall would be used to estimate the lift coefficient (instead of the “feel” method).


PS In my reply to you a made a calculation which included the horizontal lift cabability of the half tunnel, not sure if the tunnel produces exactly half as much horizontal lift as it does vertical lift ( it could be more,but is unlikely to be less) the main point is that it does produce significant horizontal lift, and so for a fair comparison of surface area vs lift, this has to be taken into account (in othere words the tunnel must be compared with an equivalent planar fin combination which provides horizontal and vertical lift.

The point I was making was that the foil generates NO NET horizontal lift force unless it is aligned at an angle of attack about the yaw axis relative to the free stream flow. If it is aligned with the free stream flow in yaw, but there is an angle of attack about the pitch axis it only generates a net lift. Otherwise, by symmetry, how would “it” know whether to direct this force to its left or to its right (say, when looking upstream) ??? . The addition of a rotation about the yaw axis to generate a net horizontal force generates a new source of additional drag which must be added to the drag associated with generating a vertical lift.

Getting back to “handling” angles-of-attack for low vs high aspect ratios annular wings/foils…

I went back through the history of posts that the two of us have made in this thread and I think perhaps I have identified the source of our differences.

A wing (annular, or planar) generates lift by imparting momentum to the water approaching the foil. In the case of generating vertical (upward) lift (chosen for the following discussion for simplicity), the deflection of the oncoming water is directed downward by the action of the wing. An ideal wing would deflect all the water lying within the wing’s area of influence. In reality, a portion of this oncoming water will instead deflect to both sides of the wing instead of being deflected downward–and hence it will not contribute to the lift. The result is that if the same lift is to be generated, the angle-of-attack must be increased so that the water that is deflected undergoes additional deflection. The consequence of that is that the induced drag of the wing is increased. If the fraction of water passing around the wing, instead of under and over it, is a small fraction of the total flow, there is not much loss of lift (compared with an “ideal” wing with no deflection). This situation occurs when the path length under or over the wing is substantially shorter than if the water were to divert to the sides and pass around the wing.

An indicator of the relative “lengths” of these two “paths” is the aspect ratio, which, in its simplest form (appropriate to a rectangular wing) is simply the ratio of the span of the foil to its chord length. For other wing planforms it is the ratio between the maximum span of the foil to the average chord length. A convenient way to express this is that it is the square of the maximum span divided by the effective planform area.

The other extreme is when the aspect ratio is small (e.g. the maximum span is short compared with the chord length of the wing). In this case, a large fraction of the oncoming flow diverts around the wing rather than passing over or under it. Since the diverted fraction is large, the vertical lift generated is sensitive to any changes in the fraction of total flow that passes over or under the wing, and the vertical lift generated becomes approximately proportional to the aspect ratio, rather than only weakly dependent on it (as is the case at high aspect ratios). At intermediate aspect ratios, there is a transition from the characteristics of low aspect ratio foils to high aspect ratio foils as the aspect ratio increases.

The attached graphic (approximately) illustrates this type of dependence for an annular wing (the similar graphic in my previous post was for a planar wing).

[Edit: seems I can’t put the graphic inline, so I’ll attach it to the end] [Edit: here it is. (JM 5/21/07)]

Although there are no distinct breakpoints on the curve, it can be seen that there are regions that approximately exhibit the behavior described above. More specifically, it can be seen that low aspect ratio wings roughly emcompass aspect ratios between 0 and 2-3, high aspect ratio wings are characterized by aspect ratios roughly in excess of 7, and intermediate aspect ratio wings fall in between these two regions.

Annular wings with aspect ratios that are sufficiently large to fall in the “high aspect ratio” range have lift characteristics that are similar in dependence on aspect ratio and angle of attack as planar wings with aspect ratios that are high engough to be their “high aspect ratio group”. Wings with aspect ratios sufficiently low to fall into the “low aspect ratio group” have a different set of characteristics. In particular, the high aspect ratio group is characterized by lift coefficients that increase approximately linearly (more accurately: like the sine of twice the angle-of-attack) until reaching the vicinity of the stall angle. What happens after that depends to a considerable degree on more specific charactersitics of the wing, such as the leading edge radius, foil thickness, foil shape, camber, and wing planform).

For traditional planar planforms (e.g. rectangular, elliptical, etc.), the rate of increase in vertical lift with increasing AOA for a low aspect ratio wing is similar in shape, but lower in magnitude, to that of a high aspect ratio wing (e.g. approximately linear but with a small convexity). But in some ways, the characteristics of the low aspect ratio wing can be influenced by specific characteristics of the wing, such as planform. For example, the rate of increase in vertical lift of a low aspect ratio wing with a delta wing planform is also roughly linear, but now with a small concave addition rather than convex. Overall, the general trend of low aspect ratio planar wings is toward a reduced slope to the rate of increase of lift with increasing angle of attack, accompanied by lesser reduction in the maximum value for the lift coefficient at stall. The end result is that as a group low aspect ratio planar wings encompass a greater range of angles of attack between no lift generated, and the stall angle.

The characteristics of annular wings with high aspect ratios (i.e. falling within the “high aspect ratio group”) share many similarities in their characteristics to those of planar wings with high aspect ratios (i.e. that are members of their respective “high aspect groups”)–although the magnitudes of various parameters may be different (e.g. as reflected by the differences between the theoretical maximum “wing efficiency” values for an annular wing and a planar wing).

The situation becomes more complex for annular wings with small aspect ratios. But the “stall” plot at the Hummingbird site and “Tom Bloke’s” description of his observations may provide some insight and guidance.

The Hummingbird has a duct aspect ratio of about 1.9 – in the low aspect ratio group, but near the upper end for an annular wing. Their web site states that stall occurs at an angle-of-attack of 19-20 degrees, but that the wing is “still lifting powerfully” at an AOA of 24 degrees and “the inside surface stall pattern has reached forward only about as far as the aft propeller”. It’s not clear what criteria was used to identify the stalled condition, nor do they show the lift coefficient as a function of AOA, so it’s difficult to draw definitive conclusions, however it does appear that the lift coefficient is still large at 24 degrees. This is in contrast to a high aspect ratio annular wing, which would be expected to stall (in the absence of high lift devices) at an AOA less than this and accompanied by a substantial loss of lift. Therefore it seems likely that at least this low aspect ratio (1.9) annular wing has a greater range of angle of attack between the zero lift angle and the stall angle (and especially between zero lift angle and where a substantial reduction in lift occurs than an annular wing belonging to the high aspect ratio group.

Getting back to your objection:

I posted on May 18, 2007:

I’m claiming that a low aspect ratio tunnel handles higher angles of attack that an high aspect ratio tunnel (in the sense–as I said in my earlier post–that the onset of a stall occurs at a lower angle of attack for a high aspect ratio foil than for a low aspect ratio foil).

To which you responded:

No it doesn’t, a low aspect ratio ratio tunnel stalls at a lower angle of attack than a high aspect ratio tunnel

I have reviewed all your and all my posts on this thread and I think I understand why we differ. In summary, in my discussion when I refer to “high aspect ratio” foils/wings I mean foils/wings with aspect ratios that fall within the “high aspect” ratio range in my graphic of aspect ratio function vs aspect ratio. It appears from your posts (and your suggested examples) that “high” and “low” relate to a pair of foils/wings in there relationship to each other in regard to aspect ratio (i.e. “higher” or “lower”) – independent of what their actual aspect ratios are. Indeed, your recommended aspect ratios of 1 and 3 in your early post in this thread, as well as your examples for the bathtub experiment (0.25 and 1) I would classify as low aspect ratio foils. So as I see it, none of your discussion relates to a comparison between high aspect ratio foils and low aspect ratio foils, but rather to higher and lower aspect ratios within the group of low aspect ratio foils.

For an example of an intermediate aspect ratio foil (Ar ~ 5) check the “ringwing” graphic at


An example of a high aspect ratio foil would be the Mellor foil that is the focus of this thread if the chord of the hoop was constant and equal to that of the smallest section (Ar = 8)

[Aside: It appears that you made the same mistake I did in one of my earlier posts. For an annular wing, the aspect ratio is not simply the span divided by the chord, but rather the span squared divided by the effective planform area. The difference is that the effective area is the sq-rt of 2 (1.414) times the projected planform area. Hence your (and my earlier) aspect ratios must be reduced by dividing by 1.414. With this correction, your recommended aspect ratios should be changed to 0.707 to 2.12, and the bathtub experiment aspect ratios to 0.18 and 0.707. These are certainly well within the “low aspect group” range shown in the aspect ratio function graphic.]

Your bathtub observations regarding the cessation of flow through the (very) low aspect ratio wing/duct are interesting and I have a couple of comments I’d like to make. But in view of the length of this post already, I think I’d better wait for a while.



Hi again MTB,

I have been musing and visualising on this aspect ratio/ stall angle topic, and I am wondering if a scenario somrthing like the one in the drawing below is possible: In other words that at very high aspect ratios the tunnel will behave like a planar wing with respect to stall angle in that a decrease in aspect ratio might lead to an increase in the stall angle, while at lower aspect ratios the reverse happens ( it definitely does ) in that a decrease in aspect ratio results in a decrease in the stall angle.

Possible reasons for this idea: At high aspect ratios the inside walls of the tunnels influence each other less, and also at high aspect ratios the outide wall of the tunnel offers more resistance to side to side over the tunnel flow and the tunnel has to reach a high angle of attack before the outide wall of the tunnel presents a profile which allows the water to stream over it. . . . with low aspect ratios on the other hand the tunnel presents a low profile and water can flow over it from side to side at low angles of attack ( and does )

So I am suggesting that there are two different stall scenarios: One in which ( at high aspect ratios ) the foil sections of the tunnel will stall in the normal way, the other, (at low aspect ratios) where the tunnel will stall due to water flowing over the tunnel from side to side rather than entering the tunnel. . . in this case the tunnel will behave as a solid rod rather than a pipe as stall occurs.

Pictures will illustrate this idea better, off to photograph some pipe

Yeah, those are the lines I’m thinking along as well. Will have some comments re the very low aspect ratio phenomenon you observed, but I can’t take the time right now.


Thankyou for your valuable time on this subject MTB, looking forward to your next reply, and I’m pleased that we seem to be getting somewhere.


I want to jump in for a sec. With a tunnel, it works well going straight, right? It also works with little tiny turns, right? But if you try to change direction too fast, water will go over the outside of the tunnel and not through it, right?

So, the tunnel fin is ideal for going fast and trimming, but to help aid in the turning dept. an extreme rocker is needed and to help overcome the drag induced by such a rocker, bouyancy (in the form of length and thickness)is needed. If that is all true, a tunnel like yours would never work on a small board because a small board is able to turn dramatically very quickly, can’t have as extreme a rocker as your boards and is obviously less bouyant…

That means to make a tunnel-like fin for a short surfboard, you need to stagger the bases so they don’t block each others inside surfaces during a turn. But if you do that, then there is no way to get a vortex to form, so you won’t get the speed from that and you will also get more drag from the “horizontal” portion of the “fin” unless that portion also supplies a little bit of lift, but the surface area is so small in relation to the surface of the bottom of the surfboard it couldn’t possibly be affective, plus it is curved so its just directing water to the bottom of the board, where it was going anyway.

if that is true, there wouldn’t really be any point in putting a hoop fin on a shortboard other than just fun because tunnels will only really work for a huge, thick, rockered out board like yours, so it won’t even be any fun, so whats the point at all?

I think turning is really fun, probably as fun as a good tube (not tunnel, I mean barrel, but not a pipe, unless its at pipe… Aahh! whatever!) so a tunnel fin is, sadly, not for me.


I want to jump in for a sec. With a tunnel, it works well going straight, right? It also works with little tiny turns, right? But if you try to change direction too fast, water will go over the outside of the tunnel and not through it, right?

No, actually tunnels are highly maneuverable, and provided that the aspect ratio is in the correct range, can actually accept higher angles of attack than flat plane wings

Also, the half tunnels which we are using are more efficient when turning than when going straight due to the beneficial vortex created when turning


So, the tunnel fin is ideal for going fast and trimming, but to help aid in the turning dept. an extreme rocker is needed and to help overcome the drag induced by such a rocker, bouyancy (in the form of length and thickness)is needed. If that is all true, a tunnel like yours would never work on a small board because a small board is able to turn dramatically very quickly, can’t have as extreme a rocker as your boards and is obviously less bouyant…

That is absolute nonsense. . .

firstly you are mistaken when you imply that my boards have extreme rocker . . . in fact the tail sections of my tunnel boards (fully 70 percent of the length of the board) are EXTREMELY flat. . . . thus your subsequent arguments are based on a fallacy.

If you want to know what the rates of rocker curvature in my boards are then please ask.

As mentioned above tunnel are inherently highly maneuverable, as they have almost zero rail to rail resistance and can handle high angles of attack.


That means to make a tunnel-like fin for a short surfboard, you need to stagger the bases so they don’t block each others inside surfaces during a turn.

Incorrect, the tunnels are more maneuverable when not ‘staggered’


But if you do that, then there is no way to get a vortex to form, so you won’t get the speed from that

The slight vortex formed by a half pipe tunnel is just a bonus, full circle pipes (which don’t make them) function very well indeed, however the assumption that you are basing this argument on (that tunnels need to be staggered in order to turn) is false, so this further extension of the idea is spurious, as ‘staggering’ is not necessary for maneuverability

In fact, staggering the tunnel will reduce the turning ability of the tunnel by increasing the effective base length and also by requiring two off centre tunnels for symmetry. . … this increases rail to rail resistance during turns.


and you will also get more drag from the “horizontal” portion of the “fin” unless that portion also supplies a little bit of lift, but the surface area is so small in relation to the surface of the bottom of the surfboard it couldn’t possibly be affective

A very poor argument, firstly the horizontal area in the fin constantly provides lift, and will always produce drag as well.

You say that the fin will produce drag UNLESS it produces lift. . . . this is nonsense, drag is always present when lift is produced. . .

The second part of your argument ( that the tunnel cannot produce significant lift) is also incorrect. . . . . our 8 inch diamter tunnel, for exmple, has a vertical lifting power equivalent to 68 square inches of planing area, that’s a large amount of lift to add to the tail. . . . and if you had ever ridden one you would know that the amount of lift produced by the tunnel is vey noticeable.

It appears that you are under the mistaken impression that the part of the tunnel which lifts vetically in relation to the bottom is the part which is exactly horizontal. . . . this is of course no true, and in fact if the tunnel is foiled perfectly the part which is horizontal is of infinitely small size ! ( the tunnel is semi circular )

In reality the lift produced by the tunnel is related to the volume of water which is redirected, and all parts of the tunnel conrtibute to this redirection by enclosing the water flow.


Plus it is curved so its just directing water to the bottom of the board, where it was going anyway.

Incorrect again, the tunnels are set up to direct water flow away from the bottom of the board, there are also some complexities here which you are unlikely to be aware of, for example, in the tail area of the board, which is typically narrow with soft rails, there is some outwards flow toward the rail. . . by directing this flow aft the tunnel is effectively reducing the angle of attack at which the surfboard is operating, and thus is effectively operating at a positive angle of attack in relation to the bottiom even if set up at the same angle of attack when static.

Another way of describing this effect is to say that because the hull of the surfboard has higher induced drag than the tunnel fin, at the same angle of attack the tunnel directs the water downwards at a greater angle than the bottom of the surfboard does, thus it is effectively lifting against the bottom even though geometrically aligned at the same angle of attack.



there is no point in putting a hoop fin on a shortboard other than just fun because tunnels will only really work for a huge, thick, rockered out board like yours, so it won’t even be any fun, so whats the point at all?

Firstly, many of my tunnel boards are probably thinner than your shortboards (latest board under 2 inches thick )

Secondly, you are (as mentioned previously), woefully misinformed regarding the rates of rocker curvature in my tunnel boards. . . which, in the aft 70% of the board are extremely flat.

Thirdly, my boards are fun to ride, that’s why I ride them

Fourthly, all your previous arguments were so hopeless (being based on fallacious assumptions) that it is no surprise that your conclusions are fallacious… . . Fifthly, we use tunnels successfully on boards down to 7 feet at present


I think turning is really fun, so a tunnel fin is, sadly, not for me.

No congratulations for having used fallacious arguments to convince yourself of what you had already decided. . . namely that tunnels ae not for you !

Do what you like, but I suggest that you get your facts straight before posting on this subject next time. . . . you are WAY below the line in terms of understanding


Wow, then I am totally unteachable because I was actually trying to defend your design as being valid and fun and the paipos fin configuration as being purely experimental, while at the same time, differentiating your boards as something new and revolutionary in the world of longboarding.

Anywho, so you’re really saying that the tunnel by itself is just a totally superior fin for all boards in every type of surfing condition?

Its more faster, more abler to go vertical, betterer at high angles of attack (that just means hard turning, or is it like stalling the board to slow it down?), much more technicaler, awesomest in the tube, works horribly with high rockered boards, creates jet propulsion without fuel or compressors, and is just the best best best thing to happen to surfing. Ever.

I’m not PMing this as its not an attack, just a reaffirmation of what you just told me, and I don’t see why everyone can’t see this. I wish you would stop posting so much without ever encouraging somebody or congratulating someone or thinking that maybe you too could learn something. None of us are gods, we are all men and all of us fallable. I wish you could see that, too.

about the rocker and thickness, though, I guess I was basing it off a picture like from this link http://www.olosurfer.com/images/foilboardpics%20012.jpg

And I ride short singles and thrusters usually right at or slightly above 2 inches thick, foiled down to less than a half inch at both ends, so even if your board is under 2 inches, with your “paralell profile system” (cough cough, bullshi cough) it is much more bouyant.


Anywho, so you’re really saying that the tunnel by itself is just a totally superior fin for all boards in every type of surfing condition?

No, I’m not saying that.


Its more faster, more abler to go vertical, betterer at high angles of attack (that just means hard turning, or is it like stalling the board to slow it down?), much more technicaler, awesomest in the tube, works horribly with high rockered boards, creates jet propulsion without fuel or compressors, and is just the best best best thing to happen to surfing. Ever.

Well it doesn’t create jet propulsion, that’s certain .


I’m not PMing this as its not an attack, just a reaffirmation of what you just told me, and I don’t see why everyone can’t see this. I wish you would stop posting so much without ever encouraging somebody or congratulating someone or thinking that maybe you too could learn something. None of us are gods, we are all men and all of us fallable. I wish you could see that, too.

Boo hoo I thought I was being good, just posting on one little thread and having an interesting tunnel discussion with MTB, John, and yourself

I have to disagree on the God bit though, all of us are Gods, that’s obvious


about the rocker and thickness, though, I guess I was basing it off a picture like from this link

That’s interesting because that board has an extremely flat rocker for 70% of its length, and is only 2 and a quarter inches thick


And I ride short singles and thrusters usually right at or slightly above 2 inches thick, foiled down to less than a half inch at both ends, so even if your board is under 2 inches, with your “paralell profile system” (cough cough, bullshi cough) it is much more bouyant.

Our construction system is aptly described as ‘parallel profile’ because it produces boards with a parallel profile, sorry about the cough, best to avoid eating bullshi ( bovine sushi? ). . … . maybe ?

It is probably true that the 11’9" pictured is more buoyant than your 6 footer, however we generally err on the side of low buoyancy ( keep in mind that the greater weight of the boards reduces their buoyancy ) and regular foam boards of similar length are almost always much more buoyant than my boards. My current 10’9" is only an inch and three quarters thick and is definitely underbuoyant for someone of my weight.

Buoyancy has very little to do with tunnel fins.

Board thickness has very little to do with tunnel fins

Surfboard profile has very little to do with tunnel fins

Nice talking to you Pat


Ive finished the long paipo fins that I mentioned on page 2.

18 inches X 2 inches X 1.6mm. The paipo is ply so I can try various curves just by using small countersunk screws. I will try them straight. Try them with a concave, And with a bit of both. I can also get an " S " shape, so I’ll try that too. I think they will give me lift along a long area, similar to a concaved hull but it will hopefully keep the speed with its flat rocker and roll.

Any guesses what will happen ? Thanks.

The fins remind mne of the roof rails on NASCAR stock cars. They are on the cars to prevent the car from going airborne when it spins out, the same as a spoiler on an aircraft wing…

Let us know how they ride!!


Will do Max.

Heres the board ready to go.

Paper template used to check aesthetics…

Closed cell rubber foam glued to deck.

And 18 inch fins drilled in and set parallel to stringer.

Just add water for a fun new experiment !

Yee Haa !!!

…couldn’t help but notice you deep rich green lawn!!


…… Now, when water flow arrives at an angle of attack to the front of the tunnel, it can either enter the tunnel and flow through it, or it can flow over the tunnel from side to side.

As the diameter of the tunnel decreases and the length of the tunnel increases, the side of the tunnel offers less resistance to a water flow path which goes over the tunnel, and because of this the water (which will take the path of least resistance ) becomes more likely to flow over the tunnel from side to side. ……

As mentioned above, a smaller diameter tunnel offers less resistance to this over the tunnel flow, and thus water flows over the smaller diameter tunnel rather than through it at a lower angle of attack than with a larger diameter tunnel.

This effect is very easy to test in practice.

So let’s test it. For the experimental conditions, let’s use the dimensions you suggested to Eastpac:


…… I suggest that you try a couple of pieces of pipe of different length and diamter in the bathtub and find out for yourself how they behave. . . I won’t suggest that you spend 10 years testing them in the surf as I have done.

Calling me out on this one will only get you egg on the face, as I am correct . … . just as i am correct with the speed claims which you allude to.

I suggest trying a 3 inch diameter pipe a foot long, and a 6 inch diameter pipe 6 inches long. . . just whizz them in the bathtub. . . annular wing education for NEWBIES !!

Off to the bathtub with you Epac my boy

Lol !

OK. So we have two tubes, one 6" in diameter and 6" long; the other 3" diameter and 12" long. Hence both have a cross-sectional area of 36 sq-inches. Unfortunately, you didn’t specify the flow conditions (“whizz them in the bathtub” is not very specific). However since the experiment is to be done in a bathtub, I assume that the tube is moved through the water, rather than being fixed in position and the water flowing through it. It would be difficult to move the cylinders through the water at a speed representative of typical surfing speeds (say 12-20 mph), but it seems feasible to move the tube the length of the bath tub (say 5 ft) in about 0.5 sec. Hence I’ll assume a flow speed of 10 ft/sec (or about 6.8 mph).

The Reynolds Number, Re, for flow across the 6" x 6" cylinder will be:

Re(6,6) = (Diameter x Speed) / (Kinematic Viscosity) = ((6 x 2.54) x (10 x 12 x 2.54)) / (0.01) = 465,000

The Reynolds Number, Re, for flow across the 3" x 12" cylinder will be:

Re(3,12) = 465,000 / 2 = 232,000

The drag per unit length on either cylinder is given by the equation:

Drag / unit length = (rho x (V^2) / 2) x CD(Re) x Diameter

where CD(Re) is the drag coefficient of a circular cylinder at the Reynolds Number Re.

Hence the total drag will be:

Total Drag = (Drag/unit length) x Length

Carrying out the calculations, we find that:

For the 6" dia x 6" long cylinder, and a flow of 10 ft/sec, the total drag will be 7.25 lbs

For the 3" dia x 12" long cylinder, and a flow of 10 ft/sec, the total drag will be 24.2 lbs

Hence the resistance to flow around the smaller diameter, longer length cylinder will be about 3.3 times greater than the resistance to flow around the larger diameter, shorter length cylinder. This is the reverse of what you appear to claim in the sections quoted above.