Duke Kahanamoku longboard


What do you need to know?

Cutlass was a mid 60s popout label. They were crap boards sold in department stores to inlanders who wanted to partake in the surfing fad of the era.

They were essentially identical to other boards made in the same factory with other labels. The only real difference being the label and color schemes. Unless you have one in absolute mint condition they are worth virtually nothing.


I have my mom’s first board she got in her early teens. It’s in rough shape and I’m going to restore it.   I was just wondering about the brand in general. The only value is sentimental.  Thanks.

Dextra factory (Accurate Systems) along side of the Dextra, Cutlass and custom boards, also built boards on contract/ licensing agreements for Bohemian, Velzy, Healthways, J.C. Penney, Abercrombe and Fitch along with still making foam systems, large sailboat rudders, Dart sailboats, and filling certain military contracts.


I like the New Kahanamoku board   I rode one a few weeks ago on a over head day  Tressles   all I can say is WOW!