dull finish on my board

i use rr epoxy and i cant seem to get a really shiny finish on my boards. what am i doing wrong, or better yet not doing

well i am puting this back on the top in hopes of an answer

i know they glass epoxy at the shop i airbrush at - i will see if i can ask one of them whats up

did you stop with the filler coat, or did you do another coat on top of it?

are you using additive F (2 milliliters per ounce of hardener)?

is it smooth and polishable?

what kind of cutting compound / finish polish are you using?

sorry the lam guys split got the day i will ask the tomarrow

I don’t know much about epoxy but even poly boards finished with gloss resin have a dull look to them.The dull look is the result of wax rising to the surface when the resin cures.You may have to wetsand and polish the board to get the shine you want. (Greg?is this right) RB

Gloss with Poly.

sand and polish!
