Dusty Rhodes

Rotary? We call them circles. Very few left these days.

  1. I think Custom Surf Shop had the Hansen store in Belmar and Point Pleasant.

Dennis Lavendar was the mgr. He is a judge in Belmar now.

  1. Sticks and Rags had a store in Belmar where the old Hobie shop was. Sold Overlin boards.

  2. Surfers Union was taken over by Peter Poe. He ran into ground and sells real estate in Fla.

  3. Bob Kislins in Asbury Park was Greg Noll, Con store in area.

5)Does anyone remember Kiernan Surfboards in Long Branch?

Sticks and Rags was Brian Fitzpatrick, had a little brother “H”, Brian talked out of the corner of his mouth, whlie looking the other way to see who was watching.

The first of my pals to be into blow, first to check out too. Grassley, Simo, Brian, why do the charcters always go first ?

The Hansen shops were Crest and Curl, not Custom.

What the heck you guys talking about. The real Dusty Rhodes is in the band ZZ Tops.

Good stuff guys! Forgot about the ZZ Top conection.

There were two Brian Fitzpatricks. The other one had a shop on LBI briefly.

There was a Dick Winkle who had a shop in Seaside Park for maybe one year 1964 probably. I bought a pair of Hang Ten trunks there.

Then there was a Dick Van Winkle who lived in Seaside Park and Published Surfing East Magazine. He also had a shop in Pt Pleasant for a summer. Probably '65 or '66. He sold Wardy’s there. He only had a few and mainly used the shop as an office for the magazine.

Van Winkles shop in PB might have been the one I remember on Arnold Ave. There was a Corvette owners club behind it.

I just google mapped it and I think it was on Ocean ave over by the beach but who can remember 40 years ago for sure.

Bill, that was when we were regional correspondents for Surfing East Magazine, you NJ and me Del/Md

Oh yeah. The good old days. I used to drive up to Point to see Van Winkle to drop off an article or photos or something and he’d be pasting up the magazine. Rubber cement, pieces of typesetting and photos spread all over the place.

Van Winkle rode a board called a “Leedy” Never saw one before or since. I think it had a mat blank. I’m not sure though. Anyone ever hear of those?

While we’re doin’ the Jersey history thing, do any of you guys remember ‘‘Chito Surfboards’’,

shaped by Chito Gebhart? From somewhere on northern Long Beach Island, late 60s…

Just came across an entry in the book SURFBOARDS bu Guy Motil ( Pg.70) about Dusty Rhodes surfboards it states “This obscure surfboard company was based out of Manhattan Beach and its boards were sold mostly in Southern California.The board featured a wide tail and nose ,and could be viewed as a precursor to the modern noserider.” the board in the photo is a 8’8" x 23" x 16.5" x 20" x 3.25" SOUL INVENTION. No other mention in the book.

Made in Manhattan Beach, yes. Sold mostly in Southern California, I doubt it. They were definitely noseriders.

Bill heres the logo for Leedy

Yes. Thank you. I searched for it too after I posted that and found it on the Stanley’s site.

Was Leedy a East Coast board?

I do remember the Leedy name and logo. I was under the impression they were So. Cal. Inland.

Leedy. I’m sure it was a West Coast board.

Like a lot of threads this went from what do we know about Dusty Rhodes to do you remember this guy or this shop. I probably came onto the scene a bit after Balsa Bill and Jim so I wasn’t aware of all of the other shops. Now back to Dusty Rhodes. The long board models that I remember were The Spider, step deck, The Springer, basically the same shape but without the step deck,and the Code 20 one wide mother with a 20" nose. All had a scooped out concave tail on the deck side. A year later 1968 when the short boards came I remember Phase 1, and of course the Dusty Rhodes Love the most sought after board in Custom Surf Shop’s line up. Most of the Loves were really short for the times, under 6’, really thick, low rocker and a wide pin tail. I can’t recall ever seeing one that wasn’t clear.