Dusty Rhodes

Was that Richy Luthwinger or a guy name “Toad” doing Messenger’s ? Toad got cancer, lost a leg first, then it was over

Chito's little brother, Andres, is one of my best friends. I visited the Gebhart's beach house in August of 74 (watched Richard Nixon resign from there). Got insane barrels off the groin out back. Andres has been in/around Carpinteria since about 76.

Gary Philhower was working with Chito back then, I see Gary all the time. He did some of his very early airbrush work on Chito's boards.

Thanks for remembering.

Mike I sent you a message as I did not want to further hujack this thread.

 Might have to start a jersey thread.

classic post  simo was deinately a classic  bought a bunch of boards from him petrillo - dusty haha jim i always thought that you were making them. i used to hang at your factory in cocoa beach back in the mid 70s with another classic from jersey jimmy smith haha


classic post  simo was deinately a classic  bought a bunch of boards from him petrillo - dusty haha jim i always thought that you were making them. i used to hang at your factory in cocoa beach back in the mid 70s with another classic from jersey jimmy smith haha


Jimmy Smith, that cork soaker, used a 2x12 to pry up the rear garage door, bent the lock pins right over, took the boards I had glassed for him WITH OUT PAYING EVER and split for Puerto Rico, scum bag

that sounds right jim haha what a guy he was huh. any one remember the shop in brielle called west wind. it was around a year or so run by bobby barth from sea girt; think they carried rick and bing at the time. the year was 64 or 65

West Winds had a quality selection of boards, no junk on the racks, one of the guys who, rode for them, can’t recollect his name.

We were at a contest in Cape May and at high tide the wave were breaking up under the pilings restaurants were built on.

He had ridden wave and hopped off his board to turn it around under the structure when he thought a Blue Crab had him by the toe, the natural instinct was to jerk his foot up and away. What he didn’t realize was that it was not a crab, but a rusted off bridge spike sticking out of a piling cross member, it had rusted down to a hypodermic needle point and went right through his big toe nail and tore it completely off, what a mess, he didn’t get to the finals, sadly to say, I got second

Just jumpin in on the conversation… I was hanging around belmar 67 -71 in summers and remember the Sticks n Rags narrow, tiny shop very well. It was next to Crest and Curl Surf shop which took over the corner on 12th and ocean ( I think). Brian and his brother were from Santa Cruz and I had their logo on my porfolio case for years- Tides Have Been Turnin, We Have Been Learning… Forever Changes Surfboards… The logo also had a pot leaf motif. There was also the Challenger Eastern Surfboard factory up on Route 36 run by Tinker and I remember the days of wathcing them shape, paint, sometimes draw, and finish off the boards with a poly mix that even today when I come across the smell it transports me back to a great time.  loved reading the posts… I was not a surfer, I think there was one girl around that time; Nancy Happle, that was really good. Surfing contests all over the shore; Seaside, Sea Isle City, Lavallette, Point Pleasant  and more were a blast and the storms, if you were lucky enough to be there were awesome…

WOW! I started this thread in 08 and what a great response! I learned more about Dusty Rhodes Surfboards and some Jersey Shore surf history than I ever would have imagined and I want to thank you all for that! I have tried to dig a little deeper on the Dusty Rhodes label and am still coming up with very little. Left several messages at the California surfing museum and The Surfing Heritage museum with no return calls as of date.Did find a little about Keith Hackamack and was considering contacting him. I just however picked up my second Dusty Rhodes a 7'2" PHASE 1, has a few dings but the foam is still white, can't wait to get her in the water. It was another Jersey find coming out of Toms River. Anyone care to guess at approximate age? I'm thinking 1969 or 1970?

The only way to get some idea of the age is to see some Photos



Great thread guys … just read it for the first time … brings me back to summer trips to seaside and all the characters there … Simo … what a character … he could have taught a college course of how not to pay for product.  Grog’s … used to spend a week in the summer with GP selling boards … surfing at the pier.  Then traveling up with Catri … always an adventure.  Hanging out with Peter and Gilda.  Gary Philhower … one of the best artists ever.  What a talent.  Lammers and his brother went to BCC to get out of the draft … so did Grog.  So did Artie H.  Gary Hook too.

Greg I recall those visits from The Florida pros. I was partners with Ken Scott in Freedom Surf Shop on Long Beach Island. Gary Propper was pushing tee shirts at the time. Also met Claude Codgens, surfed with him at a local spot. Can't recall if he was doing the Sunshine boards at that time or not This would have been around 1969 or 1970. I got Drafted so the next couple of years I was still a partner but not in the picture. I did meet you but that was at one of the surf expos in Kissimmee in the mid to late 1970's

I have a Dusty Rhodes Spider! Tell me what you think. I know absolutely nothing about the board and I’m curious to hear your honest opinions!

You are one lucky girl.  The spider came into existance in 1967 had a step deck and a concave tail on the deck side.  I had one that I bought new in '67 and it was one hell of a nose rider.  I paid $189.00 for it.  Mine had color between the off set stringers.  Simo probably had it designed to copy the step decks of that era…ie Surfboards Hawaii, Da Cat, Gordie Lizard etc. 

It looks as if you are in Lavallette.  Good luck with the board, Ive been looking for one for a long time.  Where did you find it?

About 5 years ago I was given the Dusty Rhodes, Spider by my uncle as a sort of a gift. He forgot the board was sitting in the attic of his mothers garage until his brother stumbled on it lying up in the rafters blending in with all the dust and dirt around it. Its 10’2 and sat in that garage for about what he says was for 35 years. I’ve
tried my best to research the board but nothing ever really comes up. I’ve also
gone to local surf shops to see if they had any info on it but none of them
knew or they wanted to see the board first but i never had it with me because of it being a pretty hefty board to tote around with
me everywhere. Since I got the board I’ve stripped it of all the wax, cleaned
it, re-waxed it. You shouldve seen it when i first got it. I really didnt wanna take it because it looked nasty. haha The wax looked like it was 3 inches thick because of all the grime stuck in it. At first glance I thought the board was brown. haha turns out its mint green. Who wouldve known. Anyway, I am currently using it. It is such a beautiful board.  What my main
reason for that post is that I was just looking for any information on my board.
I love it to pieces and want to know if it is even worth anything (because I won’t
use it anymore). I’ve  had people tell me that I dont know the extent of what I have but no one has ever really told me why. So i just took it as a compliment and continue to get use out of it. I surf at Bradley beach on a regular basis but do jump around the Jersey coast. People always want to know about the board and all i have to tell them is that she’s 10’2 and old and was free hahaha that’s all i got


Oh yeah and what i forgot to mention is that she really doesnt have any serious damage… only minor. I do believe there is one ding repair on the right rail up by the nose you can kind of see it in one of the pictures. There is also some rough spots on the tail end from probably being stood up on rough ground or smacked into things while walking and turning around while holding the board. The fin has some scuffs on it. My guess is because if it being once again stood up on hard pavement and hitting the shore pretty hard (since the fin look like its a foot or more long)



It isn’t worth a hell of a lot. Brand is too obscure. Your best chance of selling for top dollar would be to find a guy who had one in his youth, is nostalgic, and has deep pockets. Vintage boards don’t fetch the amounts they were selling for before the economy tanked. You might get $500-600 for it (maybe). 800 tops.

Thanks for the info! :slight_smile:

Im sure that it was originaly bought from Simo at the Custom Surf Shop in Lavallette, NJ.  Great find, go to the Beach House surf shop in Bay Head.  Eric will be more positive than some of the Ney-Sayers here.  Let us know what he says.