Dusty Rhodes

Not disputing that. Go back and read my post and the part that I quoted.

To wit:

Surfboards by hack wrote:

Keith made the boards and shipped them to the east coast for several years. As best he remembers this was in the fifties, and possibly into the sixties.

“Go back and read my post”. You  should take your own advice expert.

Mr Personality steps in once again.

I bought this board in 1970 at Simo’s shop by Ortley beach. 6’6" Sunshine Superman.

I still have mine! Living in Montana now. I worked for Simo off and on.

Threads like this bring back memories of a time long gone.

Just stumbled onto this site.

At least part of Keith Hackamack’s boardmaking timeframe would have been c. 1967-'70. I grew up in Manhattan Beach and as a teenager rode several prototype Dusty Rhodes Love boards. A friend of mine knew Hackamack’s twin sons (they all were Mira Costa students; I was at Aviation) and we ended up surfing together. Keith asked us all to ride different boards - usually at the Manhattan Pier, 22nd in Hermosa and Haggerty’s - and give him feedback. My career as a Love test pilot ended in 1970 when I grenaded one on the Pier. A bottom turn…errr…didn’t (grin)…oh, well - it was fun while it lasted! Keith didn’t “fire” me - I got tied up with college and work and phased surfing out; didn’t start again until I was in my 50’s. Back then I was riding longer “short boards” as I recall - around 7’6"-8’6" (I’m 6’4/200# - same as then). That’s about all I remember, other than Keith being a very cool guy that was very interested in what we had to say about the boards. Thought you might want a quick “personal experience” note.

Nice to see this thread making Comeback. Re-reading this thread brought back an inside The that I had forgotten. When I got out of the Army in Dec right after The Holidays I took off for California. I was set to go to Santa Barbra. Fate had other plans. Two people were going to come with me to drive from NJ to CA. They backed out. So I took off on my own. Stopped off to see a High School sweetheart going to Collage in Ohio. While ther I met up with two of her friends one was from Del Mar. He was looking for a ride home. His friend Jeromy came along for the ride. Made it to Del Mar and liked what I saw. I lived out of my Van Surfing San Diego and Baja.
Now here is how This gets back to NJ shops and some of the Shnanagins . I met Ed Wright and his Crew building Sunset Surfboards. Made a deal with Ed and started selling Sunset Boards in my Shop in Beach Haven. A couple of years later Ed had a couple of Shops up in Northen NJ. I don’t recall who. But Sunsets were pretty good sellers . Anyway One day I get a call from Ed. He tells me there is a large shipment of Boads that a shop would not take or Pay the COD charges. Ask me if I wanted the Boards. We did but couldn’t pay the full COD We worked out a pay for some and Ed would consign the rest. About a week later my Partner gets a nasty call from the Owner of the other shop. Making threats. Claiming we stole his shipment demanding we gave him his Boards or else. The Surf Bussiness in NJ was interesting. In fact most of the Surf Industry was full of scammers and hustlers and Characters. Wheeling and dealing was the norm. In the 70s and 80s lsomevFactoties and Shops were cover for dealing in Drugs. Seems like the industry has changed or maybe I just so removed from it I don’t see it anymore.

Man, that was Simo’s forte, order a large shipment and refuse the COD, most couldn’t afford freight back and would cave to his demands.
The others always thought it won’t happen to me.