does anyone know who sells (eps)foam? im looking for a blank to shape a paddleboard and no one around seems to know where to get such a long (16’-19’) blank. is all (eps)foam the same, or are there different denseness.
I hope you find a solid blank source. It will be hard. Here is a link set about surf/sailboaard material and tools: Have you considered making your own blank? The page has links to EPS suppliers and links to instructions for making hotwire cutters. I’ve never hotwired foam, but it looks fun and easy. I typed “expanded+polystyrene” into the search engine, and got hundreds of links. In Houston, Houston Foam Plastics will sell in bulk. I think EPS is available in a few densities, although 2 lb/sq.ft. is popular. You would need 16’-19’ boards for rocker templates and stringer(s). Tell me if you proceed. I can work up rocker and outline matrix dimensions. -Noodle>>> does anyone know who sells (eps)foam? im looking for a blank to shape a > paddleboard and no one around seems to know where to get such a long > (16’-19’) blank. is all (eps)foam the same, or are there different > denseness.
What type of resin do you use with eps foam. Polyester resin?
What type of resin do you use with eps foam. Polyester resin? Use epoxy resin on EPS foam blanks. The epoxy should be reasonably colorless laminating epoxy with UV inhibitors. The above link page can point you at a few epoxy suppliers. I would recommend a resin with 40+ minutes of pot life for such a big board… or else get some squeegeeing help. For glassing, the concept is weak foam with strong glass. I would recommend 3 layers of 6 oz glass + a 6 oz. deck patch. Don’t touch liquid epoxy. It’s HIGHLY allergenic. Sand the glass job, then add polyester surfboard resin for more UV (sun) protection.
I think EPS is available in a few densities, although 2 lb/sq.ft. is > popular. should be: I think EPS is available in a few densities, although 2 lbs / CUBIC ft. is popular. -Noodle