East Coast Magazines


Does anyone know if there was an east coast magazine called “Eastern Surfer” (I know about Atlantic Surfer) … I am thinking 1966-69 …

Surfing East magazine. Published only 9 issues from 65 to 67, out of Ridgewood, NJ. Balsa Bill was one of the contributing editors. Jim Phillips also contributed as a mid-Atlantic correspondent.

Speaking of magazines… That B&W photo I posted in the thread about Challenger Eastern was part of an ad that appeared on the back cover of Atlantic Surfing. Fall '66 issue.

Here’s the full page:

The guy in the top color photo sure looks like you. Is it?


Looks like it. If so it may have been a contest in Southern California. I won that heat but not the contest.

Otherwise it was in Atlantic City.

There were lots of better photos of our '66 trip in one magazine (Eastern Surfer or Atlantic Surfer - not sure) taken at Rockaway Beach, New York (it was different then), so I don’t know why that photo was put in the ad.


Surfing East … hmmm … I don’t remember that one … at the moment.

Eastern Surfer was published in New York I think … at about the same time.


Are you absolutely sure it was fall of '66 and not fall of '67?

My recollection is '67.

You mean the date of that issue with the ad on the back? Unquestionably Fall 66. Vol 2, No 1.

Also has an article where JJ Moon visits New York.

I have more than a few copies of all the East Coast mags. Never heard of “Eastern Surfer”, nor is it listed in Tim Delavega’s collector’s guide. If there was ever a mag by that name, I’d think Tim would have listed it. He’s pretty thorough.

To my knowledge, the only East Coast mags during the 60s were Atlantic Surfing, Surfing East, and Competition Surf. Atlantic and Competition were both out of NYC.


Thanks. Now I have to go correct some posts I made. I had thought it was '67.

Much appreciated.

Surfing East first came out with a small pamhlet size issue. The next issue and all subsequent ones were full size. It was published by Dick Van Winkle from Ridgewood, NJ. One summer he rented a storefront in Pt Pleasant Beach and sold Wardy’s and worked on the magazine there. He had been an art director at one of the major ad firms in NYC.

Atlantic Surfing was next. It was published by Paul Chapey in NY who went on the be publisher of Internation Surfing also based in NYC. They moved it to Cal and dropped the International to become Surfing. The mag is still published today. Not to be confused with Petersen’s Surfing which started publishing in '64 discontinued for awhile then re-emerged as Surfing a few years later under Dick Grahm. After they ceased publishing International Surfing became just Surfing.

The other East Coast mag was Competition Surf.

I worked for Surfing East (as did Jim the Genius) and later for International Surfing/Surfing. Also for Surfer for awhile.

I don’t remember Eastern Surfer although the name sounds familiar. Does anywone have an issue?