East Coast Supplier for Balsa Lumber?


I’m trying to locate a source for Balsa Lumber suitable for surfboard construction (cabinet grade…preferably 10’ x 4"+ or bigger to alleviate scarf joints for rocker…or even bent prior to kiln drying to maintain thickness), somewhere on the East coast (between NJ and FL)?

I’m heading south in a week, in hopes of finding something somewhere.

In lieu of any East Coast Suppliers, any info on additional West Coast Suppliers is welcome as well (as freight charges have been dropping and it’s now half what it was a few months back).

Thanks again for all who contribute, as it’s been a pleasure delving through info and making my first boards.


Any business names, phone numbers, or key people to contact would be much appreciated.


I didn’t think it’d be as difficult as it seems to be at this point, to actually locate someone (either coast), that actually has some in stock.

I’ve found about a half dozen places that “offer” it, but none of them seems to have received their shipments, and no ETA.

If all else fails, I may just have it flown in from Ecuador (though I was only looking for enough for 1 board).

I have some old contacts, but who knows if they are still dealing in balsa. Try the following and let us all know if the contacts are good.

North american plywood 800 759-6606

Shark Bay International in Miami 593 423-8503


George Robinson in Melbourne 321 751-9257