eco-friendly wax?

This is what I have, found it on another site…

Organic Surf Wax

Here are the ingredients:

• Beeswax

• Coconut Oil

• Tree Resin (cool water wax only)

For Sticky Warm Water Surf Wax :

You need only two ingredients, the Beeswax and the Coconut oil. That’s it (talk about simple). With this recipe you don’t have to worry about the scent as it will smell really nice already.

All you do is mix 2250g of beeswax with 750ml of coconut oil. First melt the wax, then warm the oil and stir into the wax. Stir well, stir some more and then stir(get the idea!). Pour into Paper cups and let it set.

There is a temptation to use other vegetable oils. Don’t bother. Coconut is the one.

For Sticky Cool Water Surf Wax :

The mixture now is 3 parts Beeswax, 1 part coconut oil and 1 part tree resin. Make in the same way adding the beeswax coconut oil and tree resin together and stirring well.

(Tree resin can be bought in the form of granulated incense (as used by the Catholic Church) but can work out to be quite expensive - i.e. buy wax from a shop and save money - but can also be taken at the source - i.e. straight from the tree.

thanks dannyj,

i’m going to have to work out the conversions from g’s and ml to ounces, but i’ve got the idea…

while i was researching the eco-friendly brands i saw a whole bunch of other ingredients, like different types of clay, that they add to theirs…

this is so much simpler.

and up here where the water is always cold there are plenty of trees too.

i can only imagine what the red necks are going to think!


Hey Jar - as I was part of the original discussion, I was able to pull up the original thread in a jiffy. Here you go:…t_reply;so=ASC;mh=25;

I’ve since found a source of coconut oil, and found out how to make it myself as well from local coconuts. So, have beeswax, have

coconut oil, don’t have a lot of pine trees for sap over here… I’m very interested in how yours comes out. Super tempted to buy some

of the Matunas brand (marketed as Greensurf through wax to solve the interim. There’s a couple of other things that I

want to order from Wetsand anyway, so feel less guilty about ordering eco wax just to have it flown here… Definitely want to start making

my own though. I’ll have to go look at that post again myself. I have a whole potful of beeswax just sitting in my double boiler waiting to

be melted…

Edit - dannyj - was just reading that original thread and we mentioned propolis there too. Not sure if we ever sussed out if it would work

instead of the tree sap. Upside for me though - apparently I won’t need the tree sap over here anyway, avg. water temps around 72 F, warmer

in the summer…

You can play with the proprtions (that’s what matters) and differenet resins.

You can also muck about refining the ingredients somewhat yourslef (obviously not the coconut oil tho).

It’s quite fun.

ever heard about adding clay and other minerals?

i think i saw it on one of the eco-wax web pages…

sounds interesting.




thanks waxfoot.

and there i was searching under ‘wax’, ‘surfwax’, ‘surfboard wax’, ‘eco-friendly wax’, ‘natural’ and ‘homemade’ and ‘roy’s’ wax…

and there it was the whole time under ‘beeswax’…

who would a thunk?

i’m looking forward to making up a batch or two, but i’m currently moving, so it might be awhile.

i’m going to have to stock up on some pine resin before i leave,

(mmmmmmm, i love that smell), going to need it for the cold water…

i doubt i’ll be surfing tropical so soon, but you never know.

got a couch? (or even a hut?)


and thank you too roy,

i kind of recognized the church incense stuff too.

wonder what site it was on?

newbe, eh?

now why do i doubt that?


No worries, Jar. I remembered exactly where we put it. :wink: I’ll have to kick my own okole here and try making some of that wax finally. Keep reminding me.

Trying madly to finish my own little cabin first, but for sure I’ll have a little ‘hut’ (or some variation) with a couch in it. Or at least a futon…

What’s your new destination / living location?

Roy, good on ya and all, ya crazy Kiwi! Half life of 10 min, LOL!! I’m still inspired by the homemade wax, and hope to get to it soon. I’ll have to make a point of getting to NZ one of these days. Love to try one of those hoop fins of yours.

hey waxfoot,

thanks again for the info.

i’m going to PM you the answers to your other questions so this discussion stays on topic,



PS, how does roy do it? first he’s here, then he’s gone!

man of mystery i guess.

Different additives will have different effects.

Clays are used as smoothing/filling agents in the cosmetics industry, IIRC.

PM right back at you Jar. Bummed they zapped Roy’s post. I wanted to check it out again today. I know he has his issues, but there was nothing offensive in that post…

Well this thread has inspired me to start over again. Roy’s recipe is just too damn slippery for Hawaiian waters. I’m going to start plain and simple. I just waxed my favorite board with pure bee’s wax and will start from there. So far no surf but I can tell that it is a bit too hard…and I mean just a bit. I might just be able to surf on it without having to wax it with regular wax. From there I’ll water it down in slight increments with coconut oil. The wax bumped up like I like but took a while to do so. Probably because it’s too hard. If I could get a cheap source of beeswax I’d bee tempted to do a lot of R and D.

A few years ago, I too experimented with homemade wax using bees wax (the two sorts : the white purified one and the yellow unfiltered one). Coconut trees are hard to find in France but I found out that coconut oil was very cheap and available in any grocery store under the name “Vegetaline”. Vegetaline is in fact hydrogenated coconut oil and it’s widly used as a frying oil (not very healthy though). I used sillicon muffin molds to cast the wax.

I remember I had good results but the wax was too hard for the french water temp. However it was very good as a base coat wax. I still have plenty of bees wax left, maybe I’ll try again if I can find some tree resin or any other way to make the wax stickier.

Just found a cheap source for colophony (pine rosin) : about 4USD per kg in any local store over here in the french countryside. (it’s used by farmers for the removal of poultry feathers).

thanks doug.

i’m guessing clay would soften it up enough to make it apply a bit easier.

if i find the time maybe i’ll do a bit more research between packing boxes to move.


thanks waxfoot,

got the PM and will write back when i have more time.

i have to confess that as a mostly part time lurker i don’t really know much about the whole roy thing…

i tend to avoid soap operas anyway,

but i see that there were some great and useful posts by him.

it’s a loss so much is gone now.


hey swank,

(read ‘sirwanksalot’)

do you still have the crisco you made?

you might be able to add beeswax to small batches of it until it works instead of the other way around so as to not waste it all.

then again, if it’s that hard to find affordable beeswax maybe small batches from scratch are best.

do post reviews when you find the right mix.


is that the soft or hard pine resin?

let us know how it all melts together…

not all of us are surfing in tropical waters.

we could use a good mix for the cold waters of nor-cal.

thanks piere.
