"Edge" Boards vs Hulls/Tri Plane?

I’ve been riding my rendering of Gene’s C2. 11’6 and the thing is a DREAM. Had it out 2-3 times in head high + waves and it flies! Holds a beautiful line and I can turn it with ease. 

I believe my concave through the fin area is a little mellower than Gene’s (only based on photos I’ve seen) 

Just for clarity, looking back over this thread there’s two different designs being discussed. One is Greenough’s edgeboard w/ chine rails but also a radically stepped triplane bottom with a definite raised, vertical edge inset from the rails. The other is simpler triplane bottom. The Rasta interview bit I posted above is referring to ghe stepped, GG edgeboard.

I haven’t tried an GG style edge board, but my impression on the way the rails are designed fit with what Rastavich says about the way the ride. Greenough talks about it in the Surfer’s Journal or surfing mag article about the boards he made and let Dave ride. The board is designed to go very fast until you turn, then it’s like putting brakes on. The other thing is the board was originally made for wind surfing.

What Rasta is riding now is more like adding hard edges to a bonzer like bottom, where the water is channeled into a narrower section that gets wider as it exits out the tail.

I think the best thing I’ve read about surfboard design goes to Bob Simmons saying that we really are just riding the rails. You don’t want the rails to be brakes.

Thanks for the input everyone. I think I’ve made up my mind…

OK but it’s not over yet…  a BUNCH of people are trying hard to bring this design back.  I think these photos are interesting from the standpoint of just how far back this design goes.  I’m not sure of dates but Greenough and Cundith are pretty old now… Greenough is in his 70s.  I’d guess these pics are at least 50 years old(?)  Both show early ‘edge board’ concepts.

EDIT: Photo dated Aug '77.  Photo is only 42 years old.



No idea of there’s other subtler design tweaks that are influencing this but there is pretty big difference between the performance GG gets on edgespoon vs Rasta on what I think is likely just a far too big for him standup version



Any ideas on ‘wet shaping’ technique described by Greenough in “Terminal Velocity” article?