"Educate a thief and you only increase his capacity to steal."

Hi there! My not-so-real name is “User Dave”! Im a new Swaylocks poster, but youve all met me before somewhere. You know me because I STEAL: your wave, board, wetsuit, keys, jewelry, CDs, money, dope, car, girlfriend, good ideas, rumors and gossip! ANYTHING that I can get my hands on! Oh sure Ive been busted and served my time- several times! No sweat off my butt tho- because all those bleeding heart liberals will spend whatever it takes from Mr. John Q. Publics hard-earned money to "rehab" societys special guys like me. Stupid boobs! The straight world just doesnt seem to get it that were always up for learning new useful stuff, whether were inside the joint or not! Whats quality of life without an ongoing education? For me life`s all good and ripe for the taking! I love Swaylocks! See ya at the beach dudes!

Hi Dave, I re-educate theives. Its called vigilante justice, it happens. Karma is a crapper like that yanno. Peace.

Someones else posted the above its probably my protege sounds like me thou Cant even fake a name with out him ripping it off !

Well, of course your post is a joke. I get it. But if you are a real thief, the joke’s on you. See, most of us here make a real living. We work hard and feel proud of ourselves for living an honest life and making an honest buck. Plus, we aren’t THAT worried about you ripping us off because, unlike thieves, we aren’t broke all the time. We can afford a new wetsuit for a couple hundred bucks, can afford new boards (for the few of us here who don’t make them often), and that’s all we really need. We can afford nice things, unlike bums who steal. There are two kinds of thiefs: The first is the kind who keeps ripping people off but is still always broke as a bum, and hasn’t yet figured out that stealing is just as hard of work as working, but working pays better. The other kind of thief is the smart one. He realizes how stupid he is and gets honest so that he can make some real money. The prisons and jails are full of “smart” people who “know” how to steal. They keep getting caught, which shows that they aren’t very good at it, and might want to consider doing something else for a living. But, hey, without drug dealers and thieves, what kind of occupation would be available to the drop-outs who can’t read?

your time is coming loser dave.Herb