encouraging word contest.

the next board you make

is better than

the last board you made.


the next board is likely to be

the greatest surfboard in the

history of the known aquatic universe.

we won’t mention the last board.


buy materials 

make bitchin stuff

to play in the ocean.

I’ll buy that. :wink:

Good vibes! That’s a cool art piece on the wall…and on the bench too Quanta. 

Share the lineup with a smile.

Give a wave to someone who needs it.

Help that kook paddling aimlessly with board nose a foot high understand how to trim his board by moving forward, then send him out of the way.

Say hello to someone in the parking lot you don’t know.  Especially if she’s pretty.

Realize we’re all on a short stay visa, so make a little love, do a little dance, have as much fun as you can.


AS such goes the touchy feely experiment.

it is obvious that rexponse to same is less than inspiring.

where are the ? that demand fodder such as and therefore?


the thing that sets the topic alive is a good ol’ crusty

treble hook baited with appropriate stinky chicken

to get them alligators out form under the rock…

a stinky post burried a year ago on errors and bugs

tactfully griping about the low voltage club got three 

responses in less than 6 hours and 6000 +views

in a year. So as far as gravel in your gizzard is concerned


the swaylocks conversational cloud

is Based in controversial topics

to mine opinionated comments

from the passionate

and the disempassioned 

get the downwind side

of the blue campfire.

suck smoke and like it.

the great FavAD has



and hello to those

lost in the alaskan wilderness

dodgin’ grizzlys,and others trolling

PCH looking for a moment of truth.

if only stanleys wer good on the evening glass off…

 oh yes thank you to the three proven stellar souls

who have thus far posted in this contest/trial

you all win an empty outside set all the way through

and to the beach,and may your next meal be the best

you’ve eaten this month…



Frankly, I’m very much encouraged just by the fact that I’m still here… :slight_smile:

5 weeks since quad CABG surgery. At 6 months I can exercise my arms again and start getting into surfing shape.

Staying positive is a requirement to getting back.

Future goals include seeing Ambrose again, riding Hanalei at 4’ plus, maybe Pakalas too during a trip to Kauai.

Meeting more of the CA Swaylocks crew and riding waves with them.

Doing something extra special with my wife who has shown such incredible love during this trying time.

IMO the juice is wherever the current flows, doesn’t have to be hardwired into a dedicated circuit.  Inspiration, like Gerry’s surf, is where you find it.

Somebody answers a newbie’s “dumb question” without mocking or criticizing, somebody compliments a job well done, or maybe just well-attempted, somebody shares a hard-won secret or insight or revelation, somebody says a kind word in defense of the underdog when the pack is circling, somebody posts a build thread in spite of all the peanut gallery nitpicking likely to follow, somebody sends a pm and says just ignore that guy he’s a jerk, or hang in there, or how can I help, or lets get together and surf sometime.

Sometimes the encouraging words are not even on the page - they’re written between the lines.  An insult not returned, or maybe just laughed off.  An angry or rude or derogatory response typed up in a flurry of righteous indignation somehow never gets posted.

And sometimes a thousand encouraging words are said, without saying a word at all…

I guess I would say the encouraging words are all over the forum, every day, often in small or subtle ways.  Yeah sure there is negativity that spills over into our dialogue here, but the spirt of swaylocks is sharing the positive stoke for surfing and for surfboard building, in spite of all the negativity in this crazy world.

Friends daughter "can you watch me catch a wave?" 

Me "of course"

She runs out and catches one while I was watching the other kids.  She came back in and asked if I saw. "no, I missed it can you catch another?"


She caught a little foam ball on her boogie and rode it to shore. When she looked up and saw me hooting and haulering her smile got twice as big as it already was. Stoke was missed once, but doubled on the next ride!  Keep riding foam balls of stoke!

Share the Stoke!

hi it is very ineteresting and pleasent feelings for every one to play on the waves.it is such a beautiful sight.

Rise and fall  a swell 

where the birds and dolphins play

amidst the breeze  

are the riders at ease 

 encouraging words

are  tides’  ebb and flow…



to the tune of

home on the range

chorus to follow.