Epoxy glassing questions.

Just finished my 5th epoxy board. came out pretty nice, stoked with my results. trying to analyze some stuff here… get more efficient with time and energy.


  1.  anyone not using RR or other surfboard brands? looking at that Jgreer stuff… for experimental type board. will add pigment. I like what someone wrote about whats 5 bucks on aboard? but shipping is a factor as well. and only one board so don’t need 3quart kit.


  1. how much resin you guys typically use? for 6-6 deck. 6 bottom I use about 60oz or so… never scrape bottom or sides of mix bucket. had a problem once with epoxy never kicking off when I did this.

  2. strength: whats the difference between 6 and 4? can get 6 E glass locally, but tempted to get  4oz S glass instead.

  3. free laps… whats the key to getting really nice cut? would like to avoid hassle of taping and cutting. mine always turn out kinda jenky looking.


  1. sanding… always PITA. wondering if I can get better at hot coating… way to get out bubbles? use heat gun once I lay it down… never have problems with poly or resin X, but epoxy = trouble.


as always, mahalo for any response!