epoxy lam make up

I’m intending to use epoxy as my lam resin on a paipo I’m building. I’m looking at 6oz glass over a pu blank cut from a sheet of insulating foam I had left over from a building project. I’ve used epoxy before in sheathing ply, whilst converting my 1972 Soling sailboat, so I’m ok with the priciples, but I have a question.

Whilst laying up do you use the epoxy neat or is it wise to thicken it up somewhat with silica/ballons?

BTW I’ll either be using SP resins or WEST system resins, as they are the only ones available in my area.


No need for colloidal silicas since you are not doing any gap filling. You can use SP-112 straight out of the bottle, right onto the cloth and P/U blank. In fact, it will be easier to work and soak into the fabric. The molecule size is such that it will not soak too far into the foam if it is 2 lb/cu. ft. or more. Too bad you don’t have a line on Greg’s Resin Research products… Life gets real easy especially between coats prepping.