Epoxy - Polishing

What is the best way to sand and polish out a repair on Resin Research board in which Add F was not used in the gloss coat? Also can Add F be used with other epoxys?


Additive F mostly just makes this easier. If it hasn’t been used, it’s pretty hard to sand with fine sandpaper. Actually if I had to do it I might just sand the thing and shoot a new gloss with Additive F. Before we had the F we would just gloss with polyester which works OK too. I’m kinda surprised someone got a gloss to lay out without Additive F.

As for using it with other epoxies I can’t say, I’ve never used some of the others. I’ve heard it does work though.


Without additive “F”, I have found it best to start sanding as soon as possible - the day after. If you leave the epoxy a week or so it will cure rock hard and it will be very difficult to sand or scrape. Another step I have found useful is to wash the surface well before sanding - add a little ammonia to the water and use a scotchbrite pad. This removes the wax that will otherwise gum up the the sandpaper. Otherwise, just follow the usual sandpaper to compound to polish steps.

Good luck.


If I didn’t have Additive F I’d be tempted to rough sand to 220. Then, heat the epoxy real warm before mixing to get it real thin-like. Then, brush it on real smooth. Almost doesn’t need polishing.