I have boards glassed with RR [2000] epoxy resin. I am thinking about trying to glass my next one with RR [2020]resin which is more flexible. Has anyone out there had any experience comparing the two resins . Thanks
i worked back and forth with both, the 2020 wet out much nicer as it wasnt as thick as the 2000 so it was a bit easier to work with, and it is more flexible, most of the boards i used it on were perimeter stringers and they all had a nice twang when all was finished
DS thank you for the quick reply. You answered my question better than I expected. I Did not mention that the new board is also a perimiter stringered blank. It makes sence to use a more flexible resin to take full advantage of the stringers.I also tend to bump up the glassing schedule so it will keep it strong and still have some twang.Thanks again you hit the nail on the head.