Epoxy time!!! (Pics included)

I’ve been reading through the archives and past posts trying to make an informed decision about polyester or epoxy. I think I’m going with epoxy. Eventhough I live in the Northwest, were it’s already cooling off and I don’t have a garage or shed, I think that epoxy is the way I want to go. The thought of glassing my board without my neighbors calling the Seattle chemical control police because of noxious fumes from polyester is appealing. Plus I think the word epoxy sounds cooler. Polyester makes me think of the uniform I had to wear when I was young and working at the grocery store.

I’ve read through Greg L’s post and have taken plenty of notes on what to do, but since some of the post are more than a few months old I’m wondering if there’s some ‘new and improved’ product that a beginner like me should use? I’m a total rookie at this stuff so I want some opinions on what I should go with my first time.

-Is one brand easier to work with?

-Is one brand easier to prepare?

-Is a certain brand set clearer than the other?

-What types of additives should I go with if any? (Can you use microballoons with epoxy?)

-Do you recommend a pigment with epoxy?

-Is one brand easier to clean up after?

These are the kind of questions I would love some opinions on.

I’ve included a few pictures of my first board shape. These were taken after the first day, so the shape is still pretty rough. It’s a 7’2" x 15.5-N x 22.5 x 15.75-T x 3 - bigguyfishthing. It’s not too differnt from the 7’4" R Clark Blank I’m using, but it’s been a blast learning how it really feels to shape a board.

Thanks for all of the help so far!



You had to go and show me a big fish - I just finished board #1 and haven’'t fully cleaned up yet… damm, now I want to build another one.

I used Gregs product with a self-made EPS blank, had no other experience with epoxy other than with fishing lure bodies (the 5 min epoxy). I did the work in a tiny room in my basement, wore proper clothing & gloves & a good mask I used to use refinishing old furniture. Not much of a smell & the product was easy to use. My only real glitch was not sealing my blank properly (or sanding most of it off - you only have to do that with EPS…). I also would say that while you want to mix well, don’t whip it like crazy -I think I overdid it & whipped lots of air into the mix.

As far as other brands go - there are some posts in the archives by Greg re: the other brands pros/cons/toxicity/blush. I have noticed that System 3 now has a new line of “no blush”, idiot proof epoxy products (in this months WoodeBoat magazine), but compare prices & factor in Greg’s contibution to this forum & the industry - he always seems to chime in with good info re: his product AND he answers his phone - I called him 3 times with questions about his product when I was deciding what to buy. Hard to beat that.

Anyway, I just wanted to share some first timer thoughts - hopefully others will chime in.

Stay away from the 5:1 expoxy mixes (2:1 is suposed “easier”). Additives - yes, microballons, silica, wood flour, etc. can all be added to make filler, “glue” for bonding, etc. All I had to add for my project was Additive “F” (Gregs product) - hopefully it killed the blush - My board polished up nice, supposedly it helped with that. My pigments (Red, Orange, Yellow, Black) were all bought from surf supply shops by internet & no problems at all with their use.

Gotta go - we’re getting some blow off from the hurricane (bad T-storms).

good luck!

System 3 is a local company out of Auburn and readily available in the Seattle area but after trying Gregs resin recently, I think I’m going to stick with it and order more. Shipping to WA was reasonable and quick and Greg answered my questions very promptly. Oh yeah, and he rips.

nice 7’2 swallowtail .

“Plus I think the word epoxy sounds cooler”

Are you serious ??!!

well…maybe not when typed with that funny accent.


I guess with that funny accent it would change everything?

Ehpocksee or polyesta?

I have a feeling polyester makes for more cumfortable trousers too.

Alright I’ll go with the polyester :wink:


I have a feeling polyester makes for more cumfortable trousers too.

Er …

you might like to re-type that perhaps ??

…I don’t get THAT excited over resins !


[warning… humour used ]

Well if you’re going to put it like that, I wouldn’t mind Methyling Ethyl’s Ketone.

And not just by the way…nice stick kik…

Love to see some pics of that in some bigger stuff.




Well if you’re going to put it like that, I wouldn’t mind Methyling Ethyl’s Ketone.

GET BACK ON YOUR PERO XIDE there , Mark !! [before I have to call the ketone cops !]

Ethyl’s ketone DON’T NEED no methlling with !!

Chip, are you feeling alright? You didn’t ask if the big fish was going to have a single fin or not!


I have a feeling polyester makes for more cumfortable trousers too.

SInce it’s possible to make polyeter fibers, why not epoxy fibers? Should be stronger too, no?

Kik, nice board. Just about any epoxy will work. Get one spesific for surfboards if you can.

