Epoxy vs Polyester Data Needed

Viscousity is not necessarily tied to saturating ability. Greg’s 1980 resin is more viscous than polyester resin, yet it is much more aggressive at saturating fiberglass than polyester resin is, therefore using less and resulting in a stronger finished layup.


yes I am a bit out of date with epoxy

because of that Im trying to understand a bit more

and Im talked about epoxy in gral

not your epoxy (surfboard epoxy), that seems the best

so, if I can do an opaque and a tint, with the right pigments (specific for epoxy) in epoxy

and if I can do a show finish gloss coat (like with polyester) I ll start to use epoxy (at least in the custom orders)

i was lamming 10 epoxies a week for 6 months at my old job, but as we head out of summer my boss is starting to have trouble paying a sander and a glasser, anyways i took some work up at another shop doing polys, all i can say is after working with all RR epoxy im hating life in the world of poly and acetone again, it just seems silly to me to risk my health and waste material for a weaker end product, but thats just my two cents as im the only one in the shop that feels this way


If it’s just for mental masturbation, why bother? Remember that science, empiricism, is only a means to determine what “works” If you already know what works, you no longer need science, until you have a new problem to solve. Science for its own sake is a luxury most of us can’t afford.

I like to think recreationally. It makes my conclusions firmer and longer-lasting.

Hey Greg

I live in Australia and was looking for a supplier of your resin a couple of months ago with no success.

Can you give me a contact??


Here a few words of caution.

I have glass several Polyurethane blanks with R.R. epoxy. In almost all cases I have experience the blank shrinking and the epoxy holding this shrunken shape most particularly along the stringer. I am sure this is due to the board getting hot. I have kept some of these boards in board bags and others not.

I am sure that keeping a polyurethane board glassed with epoxy in a closed board bag will produce a shrunken board. As a result I am very careful not to expose any of these boards to excessive heat. Dark boards in the sun are notorious for delaminating. All of these boards were done of a light or neutral color to keep them from overheating in direct sunlight. Some are foam tints some are resin tints it seems that it makes no difference to whether the board will shrink. I do believe that lighter weight foams are more liable to shrink than more dense ones, which stands to reason. When it comes to epoxy boards I’m sticking to EPS from now on.

No Worries, Rich