eps blanks

where do you get them? i might do my next board(after my dora replica) in epoxy or the DHP resin from ast for preformance and durablitiy reason.


DHP will eat EPS just like any other poly resin.

dhp is a urathane compound i have researched it. and the eps was only if i did epoxy

home depot works too.

if you ever need a good laugh go in there and ask an asscoiate where the aisle for surfboard construction is.

DHP doesn’t have any styrene in it and will therefore work fine on an EPS blank. Their graphs even show the results of using DHP with EPS. According to AST, Polyurethane w/ DHP has the greatest flex characteristics, but EPS w/ DHP wins out on crack, dent, and (almost – epoxy w/ eps actually wins this next one) snap resistance.

yep the urethane based polymers are fine on eps , the only real problem is that they generate more heat , so multiple layers and it can get hot enough to melt eps on the surface just before it kicks …

otherwise , its fine …

depending on which system you use , you can get more strength than you ever would have dreamed of …

for bullet proof tho , you need to be able to glass a board on one side in less than 3 minutes …

once i figure out that one , thats one more step forward …



Cool. I learn something every day.

But…I already dealt with building a vac pump and making space to use bags. As if I’m now going to build a giant oven and buy scales & a microwave… :slight_smile:

haha i emailed 'em back when the stuff first came out about the heating room they said you could do it easily with a hair dryer or heat guy and a box made from the foilf coated ffoam at homedepot. and i am gonna go try the ask for the surf board building isle next time i go