Well discussed on here I know, but I cant seem to turn over the answer i need. Not interested in thye type of glue, I have that down pat - last worked ok, just have to keep it weighted down when not in the racks.
My problem is how much glue to use and what type of coverage? Should i cover the whole of the board to glue so there is an entire even coverage, or do i just pop it around to make a bond between both layers as the laminate will hold it all togoether later?
My last glue up i used a pva and had total coverage but still noted the bond on my rails wasnt great and there was cracks in the glue line post spackle. which would proba;y indicate i dont need toatl coverage?
Hey Bee, If you are going to use alyphatic glue(PVA) you need to coat the ENTIRE of both sides to a relative uniform thickness. There will be squeeze out but that is good. When the beads start to appear from the squeeze, then you have enough clamp pressure. If using a blank with a lot of open cells you may want to coat foam with a thin layer and let it dry to seal the blank. Then, you can carry on with the aforementioned process. If using urethane(Gorilla) only one side gets glue but the mating side needs to be wetted a bit to introduce moisture for the glue to go off. If there are voids in the glue line then you didn't either, get enough glue on the pieces or you used too much pressure in clamping and pushed (squeezed) the glue right out of the lam. GOOD LUCK!
Just shaped a very flat rockered 5'10 * 22 * 2 3/8 Dumpster diverish board then from a sheet of 60mm eps. Shaped it flat and used a sand bag to bend in some rocker when i was checking how well i had blended my contours on my rails and, really basic concave bottom so no huge problems. (KISS.....)
Aiming to glass the bottom 2 x 6 oz with decent sized laps and will be weighting it down onto a rocker table set up. As long I go with a decent glassing shedule I shouldnt have any problems with my rocker holding? Spackled my rails with epoxy and q'cell but have left the deck and bottom unspackled and will cop the mickey hair of increased resin usage on the chin. Board is weighted down now whle my q'cell mix dries - dont expect this to hold form but wanted to reduce chance of cracking, warping...
Just didnt want to dick around with the glue up again - last weeks glue never really held th rocker anyway, I cant see this not working??
Cant be any worse than my glue up in between sheets....with a relatively gentle curve and slight nose kick most of it shaped from the straight block I will see how I go..would i better off laminating a layer of 6oz glass in between my layers, i know it will be heavy, but may hold better and strenght blank and decrease the blank's chance of failing?