Hey team… get an eyeful of this collection!
On loan from Erle, I gather.WOOOOHOOO!
Thanks mate, can you do that to the rest of em. Technically Inept my middle names!
cheers Simon !
great to see those funky fins [featured in the "ripping down walls" movie briefly] up close ...wish i coulda been there !
forking love this guy." out there" is exactly where you should be! These boards are such a wonderful medley or living and plastic.
Ho, howʻs that radical scoop, tunnel, keel, [whatever the fuck it is] fin on that clear board; WTF!!! wonder if any of those boards actually have any extra magic; love it though, the creativity and innovation and artistic freedom to express; a good ride report should go along with each board so we could get a hint of what they do and donʻt do…go get em Erle!!!
I remember seeing Pedersen's boards for the first time here in California in the first showing of "Son of the last Surf Movie" in Orange County. It was one of the important scenes that helped push early thruster design amoung the guys that I knew were shaping short boards then. Wish there were one or two over here to look at back then! Stoked to see that Erle is getting his props!
Huckleberry, thanks a heap mate. I’ll figure it out one day.
By the way…
The museum is “Surf World Gold Coast” just opposite Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary. A great operation, featuring an impressive number of heritage craft. Compulsory visiting for members of the Swaylocks community.
Talking to Bob who appears to be in a position of responsibility, the museum is struggling. If numbers thru the door don’t increase, the joint may close down.
It’s run by volunteers… always needing motivated crew with good people skills… ?
will get you to their website.
Huckleberry, thanks a heap mate. I'll figure it out one day.
maybe today?
go to link one
right click, menu comes up
at bottom of menu is "properties", click that, menu comes up
at bottom of this menu is "address (URL)" - highlight the address with cursor
then right click on the highlighted part (cursor must be on highlighted part), menu comes up
click "copy" on that menu
go to swaylocks box for posting message, click the little icon of the tree (2nd from right)
after a second or so, a menu pops up. The first blank box in the menu is for "image URL".
Right click over that box, and a little menu box pops up. Click "paste" on that menu box, addess (URL) of photo appears in the blank.
bottom left corner click on "insert"
hit enter, and do the same for the next link
and so on
Swear I seen them things hangin on a loungeroom wall someplace…
or if you host the photos at www.photobucket.com
Simon , then you can edit / crop / resize
when you click on the photo , it comes up the size you've chosen
then you just right click on the photo
go to this box i'm typing in ...
right click
and ,
like a print appearing in a developing tray ...
be AMAAAAZED at the digital magic
if that still befuddles you , you can always just email them to me mate and i'll post em up here for you ...
or , if you post them on your 'facebook' surfboard [or similar ] album[s] , then I can always do the same for you , ie: post em up here , once they are in my 'my pictures' file
you 'should' be getting some GOOD waves there soon , if you haven't already ? Ben , one of my new kiwi neighbours , is headed there soon [cooloongatta] to catch up with his girlie and score a few tubes .....he's on the lookout for an al byrne channel bottom while he's there ...have you seen any lately, Simon / know where Al is shaping ? is it burleigh ?
cheers !
" Swear I seen them things hangin on a loungeroom wall someplace......"
yep , sammy ...
I posted a shot or two here in the past , of Simon's ones ...
(possibly on a 'chipfish61' 'jet bottoms' thread , from memory ??)
or else , check out the 'swaylocks surfboard design photo album' thread , by the same mystery author ? ['lol' , etc ]
eg: [but if you also scroll through a few of the pages , there could be some MORE !! [you'll never know till you give it a GO , eh ?!! ]
cheers mate !
p.s. - where in Oz are YOU , sammy ? ( I'm in west oz , and simon [my brother ] is in vicco )
JIck mebane…whale beacch road …hashees…dont need no skrol …thx
I saw them at Midgets abt 76 or 7, wild bits of gear, art for sure.
A picture of Jick in amongst this lot Sam. Red eyed cheshire cat!