Exell LB Blanks

9'3" x 25" x 3 1/2" On Sale now!

Is this a good blank? foam rocker.

I now have a 9.0 x N18 x 22.75 x T14 roundpin

I would like to either make a performance thruster

9.0 x 22 with the nose pulled in around 16

or a large single fin 9’3" x 23+"

I could use measurements for planshapes. I tried searching.

Thanks dave

I’ve used the Exell blanks and they are decent, although a lot of them have sloppy glueup and the foam is on the medium-heavy side - fine for longboards but maybe a bit heavy for shorties, in my opinion.

Have not used that particular blank but my guess is that it’s workable rocker at least for a longboard. I wouldn’t use that blank for a monster thruster though.

I’ve used 5 or 6 different Exell blanks and the rocker was good on all of them except 1, which was a 6’10" and just a bit funky rocker-wise.


This is the shape I was looking at for a LB thruster. Might be better

as 2+1 with a small center?

I’ve used about 20 or so exell blanks. There alright, deffinatly not the best but they get the job done. Seems a little expensive though, i’d search around for a better price.


What’s the best source(price and selection) for these blanks in Calif? Revchem?

I was getting Exell blanks from a place down near the border but they’ve since switched to importing cheap (Chinese?) boards instead of selling blanks, so that’s no help. Don’t know about Revchem…