f# a# infinity

















wtf, mate?!

Every time I fall asleep listening to Godspeed I wake up an hour later feeling really uneasy and a bit scared.

…kind of F and A notes sharps forever…

1 1 was a racehorse

2 2 was 1 2

1 1 1 1 race once ,

2 2 1 1 2 !

hope springs eternal

as the shadows fell and

the comotion of he saturday

nite service’s volume rose

the Bahne of the hope

drifted into place .

the rrepoxy

economicly engaged

and set

with the excess

glassing the hau bush

blade of the carbon fiber

satire paddle.

Phfooey tech

add in a little soul

it goes along way


will it glide?

well I should say so!