Fast, faster, fastest?

First time on Maui…maybe 7 or 8 years ago…went early in the AM and there were little waves spinnin with moderate wind and no surfers out or even lookin…

couldnt figure out why no one was out…paddled out to see if there was something keepin people out of the water…too shallow…tigers or something…had a blast…yea it was shallow but got long sections of wave that were exciting and surfed 2 hours by myself

I think the locals just don’t bother with knee to waist high waves…

with those strong prevailing winds(without which it probably is not very good) I do believe it could be the ultimate displacement hull proneriding paradise


Looking for contact in seaside condos for surf alerts!!!

instead of calling chicken on an industry built on self agrandizing

hypnotizm a more accurate metaphor would be Ostrich.

As the ostrich can lay much larger eggs

will bite anyone on the ass back face or any anatomical area

convient to their stature.ostrichs can be ridden with or with out saddles

after being sufficiently broken By wranglers.or I have been led to believe.

As to supporting heros

and assembling the criterion for heros to qualify

be it instruments deliniating

time -travel

logo placement sales

massive investment for neauvoux riche

saliors and owners

dragging ass against the tide

timing the starts and stratigizing

and ppodium perching for the glory of The CUP>>>?

lest we for get the girl,HERO< of greek myth

that threw her self on the rocks of the sestos shoreline

to lament the death of her lover.

leander died swimming the hellespont from abydos

one night. hero threw herself into the sea …big deal.


so back to speed,

I’ve said it before

but my new board is the fastest

board in the history of the known universe

it just needs a gloss.

actually I made two.

the wetted surface being limited

it is surely superior.


the temptation to make

false advertizing claims

to the media driven

culture,which will errode my credibility

in my own eyes,

I could give a rats derrieire

about the aristocratic nod,

I will keep these designations safe

until the mother ship returns

so they can be used in a venue that befits

their superior nature.

in the mean time I will train on them

to be prepared until the speed waves

of Betelgeuse 4 come into focus.

these plebeian arguments

over mere miles per hour

are quite amusing

on the galactic scale.


Liliputians argue over the size of pumpkins,
