FCS FIN install Kit europe?????????

Hey guys,

try to get the fcs fin install kit for the old system, but it seems to be impossible.

seabase.eu, viralsurf.fr don’t sell it and homeblown.uk has just the jigs but not the rest of it. Does anyone know where to get the kit?



Contact: http://www.surfhardware.com/shi/index.html

All the pieces { with the exceptions of the jigs and the marking template} in the FCS Install kit are readily available at any Home Depot, Lowes or equivelent for under 50 bucks US. I wont do the conversions for money or units of measure

1  1 1/8 hole saw taped off at the depth of the plug plus 1/8 inch {I think its 7/8ths} 10.00

1  1 1/8 hole saw with bit removed and PSA 80 grit sandpaper wrapped cut just above the teeth to drill to deck 10.00

1  6 inch long piece of 1 inch Electrical conduit cut at angle to scribe deck.  free if you know an electrician or 5.00 from the store.

1  1 inch forstner bit to clear hole  8.00

1  3 inch piece of 1 inch electrical conduit cut flat and marked to match forsnter bit for depth holes.

1   Awl to pierce deck to start bit.  2.00

Thats all you need aside from the marking template.


try here

but i think you have to be a professional


99 Rue Des Artisans

Zone Artisanale Pedebert

40150 Soort-Hossegor


Ph: +33 (0)5 587 000 40

Fax: +33 (0)5 587 000 49


Fairly expensive!

Thanks guys!!!

I think msw will be the fastest way to get the stuff!!!



There you can find what your looking for. English language is not a problem for them either. Easy to order.

Looking at it from a cheap ass DIY perspective, do you really need all that stuff? If you make template out of wood, two holes drilled with the holes saw the right distance apart you don’t need to punch holes or have the drill bit in. Just tape the template in the right place (mark the template with center line and offset line for the rail fins) and start drilling. Once you’ve drilled the hole, you can remove half the foam column with  a knife, a screwdriver, pinch it out with a pair of pliers or whatever. Doesn’t come out as clean and might add a gram or two in resin but who cares? It does come out really nice with a forstner bit or a router though. I just put a mark on the forstner bit for judging depth. As for scribing the hole, I’ve used a nail, a drill bit, a screwdriver, whatever I had at hand. Again, not as clean but does the job.The electrical conduit cut at an angle is a good idea, I guess any 1" pipe cut at an angle would do. A metal pipe cut at an angle with a couple of teeth gridded into the deepest part would be nice.

do you need it all? No. But if someone is looking to Buy a Kit thats pretty much what it is.