FCS fin manufacturing - Chinese factory video

Marc, here’s a good thread to go down the rabbit hole of thick vs. thin fins:

jspr, that’s a great trick with the feather boards. Might be able to use my friends router table at his shop to try that out.

My son broke the tabs off one of his FCS twin-tab fins, so was trying to figure out the best way to make a replacement. Gonna have to try that router trick. That video also gave me the idea of just molding the whole solid base in place then just remove the unwanted material. I’ve always tried mold the tabs in their final shape which is finicky and hard to get to final shape without oversanding or making them too weak.

Would love to see your molds too.

Just cut/foiled a fin last night after seeing the router trick to try that out and see how it goes, so thanks for the inspiration!

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