FCS fin manufacturing - Chinese factory video

You could spend your whole life messing with fins. And if you do, post the results.
The twingle setup allows for a smaller set of fins. How much is up to experimentation. The twingle setup is heavy with traditional boxes/fins, so smaller fin size is good.
You can build fins and postulate up to a point. The best test will be in the water.

Ooh thatā€™s got the wheels turning!!! You could get a base machined out of light weight aluminium and use a machine screw to fix different fin templates over the base. You could do the same with solid fibreglass I guess?!
What would stop you glassing a solid base onto a board and having a ā€œcoverā€ fin slip over the base? Youā€™d have the advantage of glassed on security with the interchangeable aspect of boxes?

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The old Morey-Doyle closed-cell foam boards had an embedded FG tab that rose out of the board. The fin slipped over the tab and was held in place with 2, 2-piece screws.

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Hey Stoneburner , thanks for helping out!
Took some time to read through.
Iā€™m not sure if I understand the below regarding the distance between the fins:

ā€œthis shows indeed that fins close to each other should have roughly the same size as the single fin. While a twin fin on the rails can reduce the fin size to almost half the size.ā€
Below the quote from the OG postā€¦

Oh interesting, just goes to show that just about everything has been trialed by someone, somewhere at some point!!! I wonder why it never took off, seems like a good system? Manufacturing ease maybe a reason the current system took precedent?
I need to read the Twingle thread, still going on the Thick vs Thin!!!
Iā€™ve trialed the Duo set up and really like it, just a case of bringing them in a bit closer!

Wish I could answer. But Iā€™m not an engineer in fluid mechanics.
However, Hans is an engineer.
And I have respect for Hansā€™ knowledge and insights.

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I feel the same. I asked him , to understand his answer more homework on my side is required;)
My problem is that Im not sure if I understand the vocabulary in the first place.

Iā€™m a retired scientist. While I have some decent understanding of the most basic concepts, for me, fluid mechanics gets very abstract fast.
Here is some more of Hansā€™ input about the Thrailkill Twingle.

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