fcs plug problem in twinzer fish

I just got a 5’8, 21 inch wide and 2 3/4 this twinzer fish. The fish is very similar to the kane garden twinzer, the difference is that the tail is only about 7 inches from pin to pin. I told the shaper I wanted a twinzer, quad setup and since the only fin system he uses is fcs he installed 4 sets of fcs plugs, to sets on each side. Well the problem is that I used the board for the first time 2 days ago. I placed two mark richards twin fins in the back plugs, the thing is that in about an hour just turning in the wave, the left back plugs just cracked and not only did I lose the fin but the board got water in it the first day. I went back to the shaper and told him what happened and he said it was impossible and that I had to have hit something for the plug to crack. The thing is I am 100 percent sure that I didnt hit anything. The son of a ###### know charged me 15 bucks to fix it. The point is I dont trust the board anymore, I am not sure if to use it because of the fear the plugs will brake again. Should I put smaller fins on it (Are fcs plugs uncapable of holding mrx fins without a trailer), or glass the fcs on. Pleeeeasseee I need advice I dont know what to do with the board.

Hey Chago,

I have extensively used MRX fins with FCS plugs in a Twinzer setup. Small surf, big surf, no problem.

When you say you 100% know you didnt hit something, I would ask if you fell off at all? If you fell off even once how do you know your board didnt roll and hit the bottom. (sometimes a hardpacked low tide bank can be brutal).

I have found that FCS fins break off at the tabs some of the time and other times a plug goes. It seems to depend on the impact angle as logically the tabs will only break from a side on impact. Its an easy fix. $15 is nothing to get your $400 board (guessing) going again.

The good news is that the repair is fairly straight forward and you can be glad that it will be as good as new without needing major surgery.

A wise man once said to me : “now that you have hurt it, it will go even better”. Believe me its true.

Bobsie, thanks for the info, I did fall from the board about 2 times but the board never got dragged, it was at the end of the wave. Could it be that the plugs werent installed properly or glassed wrong? I really dont know I hope it doesnt happen again. But I am kind of doubtful of the plugs now that this happened to me. By the way what fins would you put on the front plugs if you place mrx fins in the back plugs? What other fins would you recomend besides mrx? And does anyone know of a site they sell the mrx left single fin? It would suck to have to buy the pair again.


Any shop that sells FCS should be able to get you your missing fin, They will have to order it.

Ive mentioned before my repair guy repairs a slew of FCS probably 10-1 over any other fin system, From all different glassers, Id say a good chunk are on boards using bigger fins, Twins etc. It just the load gets so great at the tip and SNAP.

In other words what you are saying is that fcs is not to effecient at holding big fins such as the mrx.

sell it


sell it

What he ment to say is sell it and get a duplicate made with futures or Lokbox.

I know that you can buy single FCS fins from Surf Shops. If not in stock, ask them to order it.

As I said the Plug setup for twinzers work fine, for me. I use MRX all the time. Never a problem.

As another setup, try the TF-1 with a small GL longboard side bite in front.

As with many systems, if the deck patches havent been added, the strength of the system itself is compromised. Most systems require a total of 12 ounces of glass in the area. Dont believe me, read their manuals.

Howzit chago, FCS has had problems with their twin fins. the fins are to big and the pressure tends to break the fins. I haven't heard of them breaking the plugs though. Could have been a bad install. I use FCS almost always and I tell the customers that if the system fails due my error installing I will repair it for free,and I feel all companies should stand behind their product. You might try the Occy fins, that's the fin set up we use on smaller fish boards with a small trailer. FCS is the system most used on Kauai and it seems to work well if it's installed correctly, but I admit I've seen some really bad installation jobs and it's usually because the install guy is in a rush. Did you break 1,2,3,or 4 plugs ?

Howzit bobsie, Actually he should go to the glasser and get the fins since a shop will charge thru the nose and the glasser should get them for him at wholesale which would be the right thing to do. I sell fins to people who’s boards I glass and I sell them for the same price I buy them for. But to be fair to the local surf shops whose owners are also my friends I don’t sell to people who get their boards from other glassers. Aloha, Kokua


I had only the mrx fin in the back plugs. The back left plugs were the ones that broke. Half of the plug kind of went inside the board. I must admit I pressured the shaper to finish the board because he was already a month late. I told him I needed the board a day before he told me he could have it ready.

If he did do a bad job, should I take it to another shaper so that he installs them correctly? I that even possible. Or should I just give up on the board and sell it?

Personaly I think the MRX fin is to big for a twinzer. I have tried many different fin combos and I find GR’s for the back fins and GX’s for the Front fins work best… those big MRX fins are primarily used for twin fin set ups and for me are too much fin for a twinzer…

I’ve had a twin with FCS and am currently riding a quad with FCS with no problems. I’ve used glass Rainbow fins similar to the MR template. When the board was glassed they put glass patches over the plugs that were sort of a big oval shape and covered both plugs to give it a little more strength for the bigger fins. Haven’t had any problems with the bigger fins with the reinforced plugs.


I’ve noticed that the FCS twins tend to breakon heavier guys (170lbs.++) and on guys who surf heavier on their back foot. If your not gonna travel with this board, get glass-ons for all 4 fins. Another alternative would be Future Fins. They have a sweet looking twinzer/C-5 system. The good thing about futures is that the base has way more area than FCS…more base,more strength. Ihope this helps you out.

but is it possible to place another fin system even when fcs has already been installed???

it can be done… y not have glass-on’s installed over FCS plugs. make sure you get a glasser that is familiar with twinzer…some sanders hate doing twinzer and might charge a bit more…

gremmie41…the futures C5 set up is not a twinzer… even without the back fin.

I’m pretty sure that if you look at their (Futures) brochure, they say it’s a Twinzer set-up. My friend showed me the brochure awhile back. Try giving them a call, there located in Cali. And yes, that same friend routed out his FCS and had Futures installed…although the fin guy at the local glass shop needed abit of persuasion(Free Lunch!!) to do it.

gremmie… yeah it does say the c5 box is solution for the C5 and twinzer crowd… as twinzer it would only accommodate the c5 small fin. do they make a bigger fin to fit that box?

They (Futures) did some custom fins for me a few years back…took 3 months. I guess giving them a call would be the best thing to do.