This may be off the surfing subject but Ive seen worse.I have been thinking about making fiberglass lamp shades (start laughing now).Make them like acid splash or tint type of a thing…good use for glass scraps eh?I was thinking of making some kind of a mold.Any ideas out there?Is Martha Stewart logged in??..thanks, R. Brucker
Hell no that’s a good idea (or this is a good troll!). Don’t need no ‘steeinking’ wire frame either! I’d think you’d take a lampshade you like and cover with wax paper or mold release. Glass in color - pop the shade out - sand/gloss. I’d think you’d want a higher viscosity resin that 249a for this since it’s not as flat an application as on a board. Then …figure out how to build the frame that attaches to the lamp (I guess that has to be wire - or something that takes heat very well) and voila! then call Martha. If you don’t get on Martha with that, we should at least be able to get Jim Phillips on the ‘Modern Masters’ show on HGTV. Everytime I see that show I think how he could be on it. Eric J>>> This may be off the surfing subject but Ive seen worse.I have been > thinking about making fiberglass lamp shades (start laughing now).Make > them like acid splash or tint type of a thing…good use for glass scraps > eh?I was thinking of making some kind of a mold.Any ideas out there?Is > Martha Stewart logged in??..thanks, R. Brucker
This may be off the surfing subject but Ive seen worse.I have been > thinking about making fiberglass lamp shades (start laughing now).Make > them like acid splash or tint type of a thing…good use for glass scraps > eh?I was thinking of making some kind of a mold.Any ideas out there?Is > Martha Stewart logged in??..thanks, R. Brucker Use an RTV silicone for the mold, stuff is a little spendy, but is perfect for the application. I had a customer making lamp shades using RTV silicone molds and S249A, using UV initiator for catalyst. I think he was adding a small amount of cabosil to thix the resin and some various tints for color. he would pour the resin in the silicone mold and swirl the resin around while the suns uv would cure the resin. Made some awesome light covers. I also had a customer that made jelly fish lights (huge) for a restraunt in Newport Beach last year using silmar s-40 and s-41, basically the casting version of S249a, and silicone molds. Silicone is expensive, urethane can be used also but won’t pick up as much detail and is typacally not as flexible or durable. Laytex can also be used, but takes time to make the mold. Silpak sells rubber tooling products. 909-595-6191. They also have videos on making rubber molds. Sluggo
Use an RTV silicone for the mold, stuff is a little spendy, but is perfect > for the application. I had a customer making lamp shades using RTV > silicone molds and S249A, using UV initiator for catalyst. I think he was > adding a small amount of cabosil to thix the resin and some various tints > for color. he would pour the resin in the silicone mold and swirl the > resin around while the suns uv would cure the resin. Made some awesome > light covers.>>> I also had a customer that made jelly fish lights (huge) for a restraunt > in Newport Beach last year using silmar s-40 and s-41, basically the > casting version of S249a, and silicone molds.>>> Silicone is expensive, urethane can be used also but won’t pick up as much > detail and is typacally not as flexible or durable. Laytex can also be > used, but takes time to make the mold.>>> Silpak sells rubber tooling products. 909-595-6191. They also have videos > on making rubber molds. Sluggo Thanks Sluggo…you obviously know your stuff about composites.I generally print em.I am getting ready to play around with the vinyl ester resin,my friends have 5 drums off the stuff so I can pump out what I need.Lampshades…geeze what next.I made some glass panels for a bed headboard a few years ago and I shaped the form out of foam and covered it with plastic (visqueen or whatever you call it)…waxed it and the glass came out with a really unique rippled pattern…kind of free form.That is what I was thinking of…R.B.
How about making a fin that looks like a small stained glass window…???..
This may be off the surfing subject but Ive seen worse.I have been > thinking about making fiberglass lamp shades (start laughing now).Make > them like acid splash or tint type of a thing…good use for glass scraps > eh?I was thinking of making some kind of a mold.Any ideas out there?Is > Martha Stewart logged in??..thanks, R. Brucker Think Lava Lamp, Think Lava Lamp, Think Lava Lamp??? Resin cube that sits on a wooden stand with a hole in the bottom for a light… It would fill a room with some great color??? Grind to any shape??? Who needs Clay when we have so much resin to sniff… Coffee table art… I’m going to make one now…
Just made a couple of hatch covers for my ocean kayak. Wiped a little paste wax on as a mold release, cut some scrap cloth (and expensive carbon fiber as an outer layer) - goobered the whole thing up with some epoxy resin and popped 'em off when after it cured. The hard part was trimming the edges smooth - I used a dremel tool and went through several little cutoff wheels. I’m still in the finishing stages but so far, so good. I’m sure that most any flexible material could be wrapped in a totally tubular shape and used as a mold to glass over for a lamp shade.
Hey Cleanlines…don’t expect me to sand and polish your lamp shades! Go ahead and make my day…order some more blanks!
Hey Cleanlines…don’t expect me to sand and polish your lamp shades! Go > ahead and make my day…order some more blanks! O.K…you gonna shape another “Tuna Fish”?..Back to lampshades.What if I got a ratted out shade and draped plastic over it for a one time free form mold.It would come out all rippled and funky with the colors…trim it when the resin is jelled and just hot coat it for a matt type finish.Now how about a wire frame?..Welcome to Swaylocks Interior Design Forum…wad up your tape scraps and paint them gold for christmas ornaments.Hot glue your foam rail scraps together…drip all your leftover resin on em to make a “sculpture”.Sponge paint and “marbelize” the shaping bay walls…Maybe I’m having a flashback…R.B.
Use an RTV silicone for the mold, stuff is a little spendy, but is perfect > for the application. I had a customer making lamp shades using RTV > silicone molds and S249A, using UV initiator for catalyst. I think he was > adding a small amount of cabosil to thix the resin and some various tints > for color. he would pour the resin in the silicone mold and swirl the > resin around while the suns uv would cure the resin. Made some awesome > light covers.>>> I also had a customer that made jelly fish lights (huge) for a restraunt > in Newport Beach last year using silmar s-40 and s-41, basically the > casting version of S249a, and silicone molds.>>> Silicone is expensive, urethane can be used also but won’t pick up as much > detail and is typacally not as flexible or durable. Laytex can also be > used, but takes time to make the mold.>>> Silpak sells rubber tooling products. 909-595-6191. They also have videos > on making rubber molds. Sluggo …Also,JBJ Plastics in GardenGrove,Ca.Herb