filters and vents

Hey gang. I’m building a shaping and repair room in a friends basement. I’d like to find out an inexpensive way to vent toxic fumes out the back window. I may be able to get away with the cheapo box fan, but I might have to try and reduce the stink of resin. Are there charcol filter vents?? Ideas… comments… I’ll be good for the winter, but once they open up the windows in spring, I might be sunk. I am also thinking about the fumes seeping thru the floor. That I’ll deal with when it happens.

For starters, avoid using MEKP catalyst. Instead, use UV cure resin wherever possible. Use lightweight spackle for foam filling. MEKP is responsible for the majority of board shop fumes. If you don’t make as much fume, you won’t have to remove as much.

For starters, avoid using MEKP catalyst. Instead, use UV cure resin > wherever possible. Use lightweight spackle for foam filling.>>> MEKP is responsible for the majority of board shop fumes. If you don’t > make as much fume, you won’t have to remove as much. Thanks for that. But… My Shop is in Jersey. I’s going to get Kold soon. I have never used UV cure resins much. Would I just buy a special Lamp and blast the work area with UV? Tanning lamps I guess… Does the resin work the same? What is the curing time? I’d still like some info on exhaust fans. I’ll be blowing a lot of dust out the back window, and I’d like to not send that stuff off into the world. Thanks for the site! Makes great reading!

Hey gang. I’m building a shaping and repair room in a friends basement. > I’d like to find out an inexpensive way to vent toxic fumes out the back > window. I may be able to get away with the cheapo box fan, but I might > have to try and reduce the stink of resin. Are there charcol filter > vents?? Ideas… comments…>>> I’ll be good for the winter, but once they open up the windows in spring, > I might be sunk. I am also thinking about the fumes seeping thru the > floor. That I’ll deal with when it happens. I shape in my basement and try to vent the dust out the base door with a window fan. It doesn’t work that well but it is an attempt. What ever does not make it out the door falls to the floor and I sweep it up. My wife complains about foam dust being tracked all over the house, so I try to change clothes before coming out of the basement. Where a mask when you can. As far as glassing, that smell will go right up stairs and into your friends house and he/she will not be your friend for long. I glass outside, that presents its own set of problems, in addition to the smell still making it into the house. I also live in Jersey, South Jersey, and stop glassing from December until about the end of March and still have to coordinate it with the weather. Do live in the north or the south of the state? Where do you get your blanks, that my biggest problem. Good luck; Frank

I usually make about 10 boards a year and work in a two car garage that is attached to house. Resin flumes were a real problem both from the health standpoint and the bitch factor from the rest of the family. Then I got some great advise from my friends on Swaylock’s. I now set up a cheap but large tent in the garage to shape in. It contains the dust and is easy to clean up with a shop vac when done. To glass I move the tent to the back yard…I throw a large piece of black plastic over it and use a light with a uv cover. Using uv resin gives me as much time as I need to get the glass right then I pull off the plastic and unzip the windows and it lets in enough uv light to kick the resin.>>> Good luck; Frank

Thanks for that. But… My Shop is in Jersey. I’s going to get Kold soon. > I have never used UV cure resins much. Would I just buy a special Lamp and > blast the work area with UV? Tanning lamps I guess… Does the resin work > the same? What is the curing time?>>> I’d still like some info on exhaust fans. I’ll be blowing a lot of dust > out the back window, and I’d like to not send that stuff off into the > world. Thanks for the site! Makes great reading! A pro needs to tell you about exhaust. I’ve heard of recirculating air filtration systems. Seems like you could rig one with a fan, some a/c duct, and an a/c filter. UV resin will cure in almost any temperature. According to Solarez and the less expensive Suncure, UV cured resin properties are identical to MEKP cured resin properties. However, the UV catalist thoroughly cures resin in minutes, not weeks. Suncure brand merely adds their UVC-2000 UV catalist to Silmar surfboard resin. A link is below. The easiest way to flash UV resin is to expose it to daylight. The safest way is to build a tanning bed. A cheaper way is to point some 175 watt Mercury Vapor guard lights at your glassing racks. Make sure the Mercury Vapor bulbs are clear, with no color-corected coating on them. You’ll have to toast both sides of your board, but it should work.

I’m in Brooklyn, my buddy is in Asbury Park. It’s a project for sure. He has an artist work space on the first floor, residential upstairs from that. So, I’m hoping the fumes won’t be so bad for that reason. I have two windows in my room, which is still just stud walls. Need’s finish work. I haven’t shaped yet. I never had a permenent space for 6 years, so now is my time. Clark from Foam-Ez, or I’d love to get a comet blank from Walker. That is what I’d like to try out!! Walker only sells to businesses though. I have to talk to a Ric in LBI. Maybe he’d help me out with that. My room will be imediatly for ding repair. I have a bunch of busted up logs. Just keeping my riders in the water is tough, I have some of those beaters i’d love to ressurect. Ac duct, duct tape and bailing wire… All you really need i guess.