Fin box cutting

Hey Guys,

I’m working on my first board right now. I have just finished planing it and sanding it out so now I am wondering what you would recommend for a fin system. I am a little worried that I cut the tail too thin and that when I cut the box it will go through the board. It is about 1" thick at the tail. Is there a certain system I should be looking for that will require a more shallow cut or should I just give up on this board and start a new one? Any help at all would be greatly appreciated.

1" should be fine for any system I can think of, although just to be cautious measure the thickness where the fins will go. What type of fin setup are you doing? Thruster , quad, single, etc…

Better yet what type of board did you make?

For me I choose to go with futures because I had a lot of futures fins. It costs some money to get the jig, but I like them and easy for me to install. FCS and probox have cheaper jigs.

Doing a single is relatively easy, stingray has a very detailed, and helpful post on how to do a single.

I’m making a 6’2" Fish, quad fin with a swallow tail. I was thinking of going with FCS for the sole reason that the jig seems to be cheaper than any of the other ones i have seen online. I’ve been leaning more specifically too the FCS 2 system because I like the keyless tech.

To go inexpensive and easy for a quad, go Probox…

I use those and fins unlimited single fin boxes and they are easy to install and hard to screw up.

The probox fin boxes fit probox fins and FCS fins too.

The jigs cost a couple dollars and you can get a router bit to cut the holes at home depot.