Fin Box Size?

I’m putting in a box for this fin.

What size box should I use? 8.5 or 10.5

Thanks in advance


How much do you think you’ll want to play around with placement? What kind of board is it going in/on?

It’s for a 6’7" single fin.

As for placement, a couple inched forward or back.

What is the 8.5" box usually used for?




12". Two of them in line. That way, you will cover all possible settings.

(Kidding, of course.) Yeah, 10.5 is the standard. I 'd say that 8.5 is for guys who have a very good idea about where their fin should be set and who put a box in the board only for travelling ease, as it doesn’t leave much range in front or behind the majority of fin bases.

I agree with soulstice and balsa, 10.5 box, let me know what color Blue, Red, Black and White 10.5 box you want and I can ship it with your Probox order. Mahalo


Did you send out my bonzer fins today!? Got any pics?


Austins fins are in spray will take pics tomorrow of your 5 fin set-up. Also looking forward to seeing the boards you did. Mahalo,Larry