Let me first start off by saying that I know how to do this, that’s why I am so upset with myself.
Usual way: route fin box, drill 1/2" hole through top with forstner bit into routed hole on bottom, put tape over top hole, flip board, prep bahne box, mix resin-pour in hole, place box, let it set, grind/sand down box, flip board and use 1/8" forstner to make leash hole. Always turns out great.
Today I decided to not remember how to do it. Here is where I eff’d up. I routed box, mixed resin and placed it. Afterword I realized my first mistake, did not remember to drill resin hole for plug on top. I figured easy enough, I will just drill 1/2" hole to box, fill, problem solved. 2nd mistake, spaced out and drilled all the way through the box with 1/2" bit. Now I have a nice, perfect 1/2" hole to fin box.
This board is a 9’2" 50/50 railed board, concaved nose (summertimer) that I most likely will not even use a leash with anyway, but I would at least like to make the resin fill the hole and hold if I ever decide to use a leash with it.
Anyone else out there done this! What did you do to fix it? And/or ideas on how to fix it welcome.
Sorry I just had to walk away from the board and the garage and make a post on sways, I’m already starting to feel better, maybe a cold beer will help ease the pain.