Fin Box Type ( like futures but not...)

I was given an older board, a RAW and it has a center fin box and 2 side boxes. The side boxes look roughly like futures, but lack a set screw, and have rings going width wise down the boxes. Does this ring a bell? I assume I’ll just cut them out and put in futures, but I’m curious what the boxes actually are. Can’t snap a pic at the moment… Thanks.

O’Fishl We made the Raw boards back in my old shop.

You can still get the fins its a lesser known system but still current


are they the newer snaploks or the old schoolers?


I can only think that the reason O'fish'l is lesser know is purly Surf Mag propaganda or the lack there-of.  The early boxes occasionally lost fins the newer ones are much better.  They have a nice selection of fins, are priced reasonable and are an easy install (under glass).  In fact; anyone who can install Futures can install O'Fish'l or vice-versa.  I was scared to death the first time I installed under glass.  But it was absolutly a piece of cake with the O'Fish'l jig.