fin design

hi everyone. This question may have been asked a bunch of times, but i need to get a new fin for my 10’ single fin. I am looking at a wingnut sweep (10.5 size), but was wondering if anyone out there can recommend any other designs and the pros and cons of different types of fins. thanks.

So you need a fin for your 10’0’'. I assume that you want a fin that will be good for both noseriding and cutbacks. The Wingnut sweep is a good choice also the Wingnut long rake, but you should check out the Donald Takayama 10.0 DT BNR, 10.0 DT MTP, and the 10.5 DT RETRO PIVOT. Check them out at, Hope I helped some ----Mikey

thanks for the response Mikey. The 10 DT BNR looks like a pretty cool design. Is it a good turning fin? It doesn’t look like it has much rake on it and I always assumed that this would make for a good noseriding fin, but not a very good turning one. I know that there must be sacrifice somewhere, but I just wanted to make sure I get a good all around fin. thanks for the help.

thanks for the response Mikey. The 10 DT BNR looks like a pretty cool > design. Is it a good turning fin? It doesn’t look like it has much rake on > it and I always assumed that this would make for a good noseriding fin, > but not a very good turning one. I know that there must be sacrifice > somewhere, but I just wanted to make sure I get a good all around fin. > thanks for the help. There is a better fin for noseriding, a better fin for turning, but if you want an all-around fin, this is it. Enjoy ----Mikey